Who's Sean?

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Landon's pov

*2 days ago*

"SEAN, YOU BASTARD! Get back here!" I yell as I pound on the door.

After about ten minutes of me pounding on the door, yelling, and the guards outside the door telling me to calm down and shut up, JJ comes in.

"Where the hell is she?" Lucas demands the moment JJ walks in and closes the door behind him.


"I'm talking about Kailey. Where is she?" Lucas narrows his eyes at him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," JJ replies with a confused expression.

"Stop playing around and just tell us where the fuck he took her! I am not in the mood to be playing these stupid games. Tell me where the hell he took her. Now!" Lily yells at him as she stands right in front of him.

"Seriously, what the hell are you guys talking about? Kailey is in here. I locked her in here with you guys."

"Yeah, well that idiot came in here about 20 minutes ago and took off with her. So how about you just tell us where the hell she is," I say as I glare at him.

"Wait, who took her? How did they even get in here?"

"Sean!" Lucas, Lily, and I yell at the same time.

"Who is Sean?"

"Her cousin!" The three of us yell together again.

"What is he doing here?" JJ asks, looking at us as if we brought him here.

"I could ask you the same thing," Lily responds. "Why is he here? Did you tell him to follow you? Does he work for you? What the hell is he doing here?" She hisses at him.

"I don't know why he's here. I didn't even know he was here. I don't even know who he is. And why would I tell him to come here? Am I missing something?"

At this, I look at Lily and Lucas. We all share the same look, realizing that he really doesn't know anything.

I sigh before saying, "Sean is her cousin. She absolutely hates him, and until recently, we didn't know why. It turns out that he's been r4pi^g her from the time she was six, until she was fourteen."

"He threatened to kill Luna if she ever told anyone about it, which is why we only just now found out a few days ago," Lily whispers.

"She doesn't even know if her babies were Carson's or not..." Lucas finishes.

"Ok, number one; who the hell is Carson? And number two; what babies?! Kailey has kids? Why the hell didn't I know about this?! How old are they? Where are they? Boys or girls? Names?" JJ just keeps asking question after question.

"JJ, slow down," I say.

"She doesn't have any babies," Lucas says.

"She had a miscarriage at four months..." Lily says on the verge of tears.

He finally stops talking and is silent for a minute. "She what?"

Lucas starts the story. "When she was 13, she started dating a boy named Carson. He made her so incredibly happy, so nobody said anything about it. A month after they started dating, shortly after she turned 14, Kailey got pregnant. 3 months later, they found out she was having twin girls."

"Their names were going to be Scarlett Rose and Hazel Brooke. But then a month later, Kailey woke up in the middle of the night, only to find out she had lost the babies," Lily continues.

"When Carson found Kailey crying in the bathroom and saw all the blood, he packed his bags and left. He told her that he 'couldn't do it anymore' and losing the babies was too hard for him. He ran out of the house, got in his car, and drove off. A week later, we found out that he had moved away. Nobody has seen him since," I finish the story, no longer looking at JJ.

"Fuck!" He yells as he runs out of the room (not forgetting to lock the door behind him). I can hear his footsteps pounding against the floor and growing fainter, as he runs down the hall.

"I can't tell if he was pissed off, scared, or confused...." Lily says after a few minutes.

"All of the above."

"Probably all of those," Lucas and I say at the same time, sending each other glares.

"I just hope he finds wherever the hell Sean took her before he does too much to her...." Lucas says while sliding down the wall and onto the ground.

"I should've just killed him when I had the chance!" I growl as I punch the wall, before also falling the the floor.

Lily comes over to me and just leans her head on my shoulder, while Lucas sits on the other side of Lily and lays his head on her shoulder.

"I'm going to make sure nobody ever hurts her again. I will lock her ass up if I need to. But I will not allow anyone else to hurt her. She's already been through so much, and been hurt too many times. I'm not letting Kailey out of my sight again," I finally say after a few minutes.

"Agreed," Lily and Lucas say at the same time, before we all slowly drift off to sleep.

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