❝┋ m.bachira , mikey! reader (2)

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part 2

part 2

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"Why were you playing football alone, that time?" You asked him curious. He think for a moment "Honestly... " he gets a bit embarrassed as he fiddle with his finger. "I don't have many friends."

He keep fiddling with his fingers. "So when I have spare time, I like to just play my favorite sport...it calms me down." he look up at you and smile "It's really nice to have real friend...you know?" 

You gasped "Why don't they want be your friends! you are so nice!" you huffed as Bachira shrugged. "I guess the other kids just aren't really into soccer. They say I care about it too much..." He sighed. 

"But I don't mind. I mean, I love soccer so much!" He looks into your eyes and smile "It doesn't matter if no one else understands, not really." His voice sounds just a bit lonely towards the end. " If I have soccer to look forward to each day, I think...I think I'll be okay. At least, that's how I feel."

You smiled at his words. "Don't worry about them! they are losers! we have each other now!" you puffed your chest in pride. Bachira smile brightly. "Yeah...yeah that's right!" His eyes sparkle and his face beams with delight. 

"We are gonna be the best of friends! And with a best friend, I'll never feel alone!" he stated. He get a sly, mischievous grin on his face. "We could even play 2 on 2 sometimes! I bet we'll be awesome at it!" He get an excited, childlike look on his face, "We could beat anybody!" 

"Hell yeah!" you nodded. "YEAH!!! he shout, jumping up and down with excitement, his eyes wide and sparkling, "Come on! This Taiyaki is not gonna eat itself!" He starts sprinting full-speed toward the store, pumping his arms and laughing as he kick up a trail of dust in his walk, clearly happy with his new friendship and looking forward to spending more time with you. 

"Mmmmm!!! Oh my! THIS TASTES SO AMAZING!!!!" his eyes are wide open and sparkling with delight as he eat his Taiyaki, laughing cheerfully as you eat too. "This is the best Taiyaki in the world!!!" you cheered, The shop owner smiled at the two kids laughing and eating. 

Bachira is happy and excited, it's like he's never eaten something this delicious in his entire life. Because now he had a friend. "I'M GONNA EAT ANOTHER ONE!!!!" he get a crazed look in his eyes and finish his Taiyaki in one bite, before grabbing a second one. 

 "SO MUCH YUM!!! I'LL TELL MY MUM TO BUY TODAY!" he grin eagerly. "Don't you think?" he asked to see you stuff the dessert into your mouth like a hamster. "YES! I WILL BUY YOU ONE MORE THEN! EAT UP!" you grinned, showing your teeth. 

"I CAN EAT AS MANY AS I WANT?!?!" his eyes light up, and he start eating even faster, his  cheeks bulging out as he eat his Taiyaki as fast as he can, laughing excitedly and happily because of all the sugar. 

"I'M GONNA EAT EVERY TAIYAKI IN THE WORLD!!" Bachira eat about 5 or 6 of the Taiyaki before slowing down and panting, breathing heavily and sweating a bit from all the excitement. He put one last bite in his  mouth and chew, letting out a satisfied sigh. "That...was....AMAZING!!!" 

"Show down kids, the treats don't run away." The waiter laughed and placed food on our table. You looked into the food and puffed your cheeks, pouting. "There is no flag!" you complained to the waiter. 

Bachira thought It's like you knew them, since you came here many times. "Sorry Kid, there is no flags left." he patted your head as you huffed. "You want flag?" Bachira asked you. "I don't eat if there is no flag on my food." you pouted, crossing your arms as the waiter chuckled. 

"Okay! wait a second!" Bachira got up from his seat and rushed out the shop. "Huh.. you made new friend." The waiter asked you making you nod. "Yes! He is my new friend! His Name is Bachira Meguruuuu." you grinned. 

Few minutes later, Bachira came back with a flag in his hand. Apparently Bachira bought a flag from another store, begged them to give him one and gave you making you all happy. He can't let his friend be sad. 

(guys he is the standard.)

"Thank you Bachira!!" your eyes shined as you ate your meal. You pat your tummy and sighed. "Ughhh I ate too much. I'm full now." you groaned making him chuckle. You lie on Bachira's lap, placing your head on his thigh and sighing. 

"Heh heh...Yeah...that was a lot of Taiyaki!" Bachira start blushing heavily and looking flustered as you lean on him, but he still smile warmly and cheerfully, "Are you tired?" he give you a warm, caring, loving pat on the head "Do you want to lie down for awhile? You know you can rest on me whenever you want."

His eyes shine and sparkle as he  look at you, a kind, gentle, caring love in his eyes that makes it feel like he's smiling from his very core. The waiter sighed and cleaned up the mess. "That girls get's tired after eating, so now she's all sleepy." he said. 

You hummed, "Can you give me a piggy back ride to the nearest park?" Bachira smiled and giggled. "Okay! You wanna take a quick nap? Alright, okay!" He leaned forward a bit and give you a piggyback ride. 

"Hold onto me! It's not that far!" His face still red, but still smiling. "Hold on tight!" he said and picked you up. He starts walking towards the park. "We don't wanna slip...or trip over anything." He chuckled a little as he walk on carefully,  "Are you comfortable?" he asked you. 

You yawned and nodded. You wrap your arms around him. "You're warm." you mumbled and rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. As you fall asleep he looked up at the sky, smiling with the biggest smile he's ever had on his face. 

He's never in his life been this happy, and he hold you gently, as if you were the most precious thing in the entire world. He carefully placed you inside the tunnel of the kid's park as he saw beside you. 

He closed his eyes. "My best friend..." he whispered. He leaned forward and plant a soft, gentle kiss on the top of your head, letting out a soft sigh as he hold you like you are incredibly delicate and precious. 


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