(y/n) drew out his second sword and Eugeo had a look of shock but I was just smirking.

Kirito: What are you going to do (y/n)?

I studied him closely and noticed he was in a stance for Starburst Stream. I watched and waited. He looked like he was going to perform the move without the assistance of the system. Of course, he would. He launched into the move and the 2 couldn't last during the move.

Eugeo: What is he doing?

Kirito: That's the secret skill of The Aincrad style that only the 2 of us can use, Dual Wielding.

Eugeo: As in using 2 swords at the same time?

Kirito: Yep.

Eugeo: And what is the move that he's performing?

Kirito: The most powerful Dual Wielding move, Starburst Stream.

Eugeo: Huh?

Kirito: It's a 16-hit combination move that only the 2 of us can perform.

Eugeo: Oh, I understand.

I look back at the duel and see both Raios and Humbert had their swords away from their hand as (y/n) sheathed both of his swords. Eugeo was getting concerned when (y/n) drew out a gun.

Eugeo: We have to-

Kirito: *puts a hand on Eugeo's shoulder* No, it's too late. You can't stop him.

(y/n) POV

A minute earlier

I beat both of them and disarmed them both. I was ready to kill them both for the amount of shit they caused both of them and what they attempted to do to their pages. I drew out The Jackal as my anger starts to boil.

(y/n): (in a darker Rick Grimes-like voice) Now get on your knees, and kneel.

Raios and Humbert: *scared shitless*

(y/n): *laughs darkly* All it takes is someone with real power and arrogant pricks like you fold and are like dogs with their tails tucked between your legs. See, that's the difference between us and you, we are fighters and warriors while you are just second-rate wannabes. Now, kneel. Or I'll make you.

Both of them kneel in front of me and I walk behind them. I slowly raise The Jackal and put the gun to the back of Humbert's head.

(y/n): (with venom dripping) And what you attempted to do to their pages is the most disgusting and monstrous act and this is what you deserve.

I put my thumb on the hammer and slowly pull back letting them hear every single click when pulling back on the hammer to ratchet up their fear. Once I fully pull back the hammer I wait for a moment. I then shoot Humbert in the back of the head, executioner style. Raios neatly shits himself as he watches his friend's headless body fall to the floor. He starts whimpering from fear.

Raios: Mercy.

(y/n): God grants mercy, I don't.

I execute Raios in the same manner. The slide locks back on The Jackal and I quickly reload. After I reload a white head comes in. He starts rattling stuff off but I didn't pay attention because I know them as the security of this place and the warning that The Integrity Knights are coming for you. I shoot him in the head and blood spatters around that room. The wormhole-like thing disappears and I turn back around to look at Kirito and Eugeo. Eugeo is shocked but Kirito isn't surprised by my ruthless brutality. I walk over to both of them and holster The Jackal.

(y/n): Hey Kirito.

Kirito: (y/n).

Eugeo: Umm?

(y/n): Oh my apologies Eugeo, my name is (y/n). I'm an old friend of Kirito's.

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