He finds out your a mermaid

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(this update is all 1D preferences.)

He finds out your a mermaid (one direction)

Zayn: "Come on, babe, come in the pool!" Zayn calls out from the clear blue water. "Even I got in the pool! I'm even afraid of swimming." You shake your head and scoot back in your chair. "Nope," you say flatly. "But why? You love to swim, you told me once," he sighs and runs his hand through his quiffed hair. "I only got in the pool because I wanted to be in the pool with YOU," he continues, gripping the edge of the pool as if him letting go would cause him to fall and drown. "I'm sorry, but I can't," you sigh, looking at him and the water longingly. "Why? Is it your...uh...lady problems..." he mumbles, his cheeks turning pink." "No! No," you laugh. "But if I go in the water, something will happen..." He looks at you with confusion and worry and curiosity. "What do you mean?" he replies, biting his lip. "You won't believe me, Zayn. I don't know if you'd still love me," you say, scooting closer to the edge of the pool. "Try me, babe. I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll always love you no matter what," he says gently, placing his hand over yours. With a sigh, you slide into the pool and almost immediately a pink scaled tail replaces your legs. "HOLY SHIT!" Zayn shouts, jumping back and staring at the tail in absolute shock. "You're...a...mermaid? I thought those were fake..." he says more softly, reaching out and running his hand along your tail. "Nope. They're real. I'm a mermaid..." you sigh, moving your tale for emphasis. "That's pretty hot," Zayn replies, biting his lip. "A mermaid is my girlfriend.

Liam: "Which Disney movie do you want to watch tonight?" Liam asks, hovering over you two's Disney DVD collection and balancing a bowl of popcorn in one hand. "The Little Mermaid! As usual," you reply, snatching a piece of popcorn and popping it in your mouth. "Again? Why do you like that movie so much?" he says, grabbing the DVD and smiling. "Because it's very relate able," you blurt out, then quickly cover your mouth, realizing you've said too much. "Relate able? How is The Little Mermaid relatable?" he says with a laugh. "Are you a mermaid? Do you have unrequited inter-species love?" You quickly debate on whether to tell him the truth or not. But you've been hiding this for too long. "Actually, I've got all of those things except for the unrequited love bit," you say simply, staring into his deep brown eyes. "Ha, very funny," he says, popping the DVD into the player. "No, I'm serious," you tell him. He looks up at you with amusement and furrows his brow. "See?" you grab your glass of water from the table and toss it on your jean-clad legs. With a rip. your legs become a brilliant cerulean blue tail. "Holy...." Liam's eyes widen and a smile flashes on his face. "I'm in love with a real life The Little Mermaid!" he says cheerfully. You can't help but laugh at his excitement. "Can I call you Ariel? Pleeeease?" he says, running his hand across your tail. "Only if I can call you my Prince Eric," you reply, taking Ariel's love interest from the movie. "Deal."

Louis: "Babe, what is that?" Louis had been running his hand through your hair but his fingers lingered on the back of your neck. "Hmmm?" you look up at him, your head on his lap, the movie still playing in the background. "There's like...something on your neck," Louis says, sliding your hair off your neck and looking closer. You quickly jerk away. "Babe? Is that a love bite? Did I do that? But how..." Louis shakes his head and looks at you with slight worry. "No, it's not...." you sigh and decide to be honest. "It's not a love bite." He raises an eyebrow and scoots closer. "Then, what is it?" he asks. "You won't believe me, but hear me out," you say and he leans back and watches you with intrigue. "When I was seven, I was swimming at Myrtle Beach. In South Carolina?" you say quietly. He nods. "And I was just swimming all by myself in the water...but something bit me." You show him the mark on your neck more clearly. "What bit you? A shark or something?" You shake your head. "This is the part you won't believe. I got bit by a mermaid." You weren't prepared for the laughter that followed, but it was quite funny in some sense. "A MERMAID? A MERMAID bit YOU?" he chokes out, laughing. "Don't believe me, do you?" you say, slightly amused. "Watch this." You close your eyes and focus on your tail forming. It must've worked because you hear a shriek and a midnight blue tail is where your legs once were. "Holy shit...I didn't know mermaids bit people...." he trails off. "WAIT! You've bitten me...does that mean I'm a mermaid? A merMAN?" he says excitedly. You laugh at his excitement and shake your head. "No, I'm not a full blood mermaid, Lou," you say simply. "Aw, man," he sighs, but his face brightens as he examines your tail. "So, my little mermaid, tell me more...."

Harry: "Harry, stop," you quickly push away his bare chest and run to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. "Babe? What's wrong? I'm sorry," he says, knocking on the door lightly. "No, I'm, um...I'm fine, you didn't do anything wrong," you choke out, quickly turning on the faucet and filling the bathtub with water. "Okay," he says. "Well, what's going on, then?" You can hear slight worry in his voice and you sigh, watching the bathtub fill and eying the moon outside. You've only got a few moments. "I'm taking a bath," you say simply, climbing into the tub. You feel your legs quickly bond together and turn into your all-too-familiar violet tail. "Why? Did I make you feel dirty?" he jokes, a lighter tone in his voice. "No. It's because it's a full moon and every full moon at midnight I have to be in water," you sigh and splash your tail around a bit. "What? Have you gone crackers?" he says, knocking on the door again. "Babe, can I come in?" You quickly decide to let him in and show him once and for all. "Fine. But before you come in, prepare yourself for something you'll never believe," you tell him. "What are you talking ab-?" the door swings open and he freezes when he sees your violet tail hanging over the edge of the tub. "You're a mermaid?" he says with disbelief. "Unfortunately," you sigh, looking at him with worry. Will he think you're a freak? To your surprise and happiness, he walks over and gives you a kiss. "Hmmm..." he says, running his fingers along your tail. "I've never done it with a mermaid before." You roll your eyes and let out a laugh at how he managed to make this situation into a sexual one. "Oh, really?" you reply, tugging him closer.

Niall: "Why won't you ever come to the beach?" Niall sighs and plops down on the couch next to you. It's beautiful and sunny and you want nothing more than to join your blonde-haired boyfriend at the beach. But you can't. "If I go to the beach you won't love me anymore," you say, biting your lip. "What? Why the hell not?" he laughs, placing his arm around you. "Because I'm not...I'm not just a girl," you confess, sliding out of his reach. "What? I've seen things that prove otherwise...you most certainly are a girl," he says with a wink. "What do you mean, Princess?" A look of worry flashes over his light and happy demeanor. "I'm, uh," you run your fingers through your hair and look him right in the eyes. "If I go to the beach, I'll get water on me," you begin. He nods slowly, looking very confused. "And if I get water on me, this will happen." You grab a bottle of Sprite from the table and pour some on your arm. Instantly, your tail replaces your legs. Fuchsia scales running up to your waist. Niall's eyes widen in amusement, shock, horror, admiration. He's speechless. "Oh." he says after a moment, his hand hovering above your tail. "Can I touch your tail?" You nod and his hand slides across the smooth scales. "I know, you think I'm a total freak," you shake your head. "No! Not at all, I just..." he smiles and looks into your eyes. "I never thought mermaids were real. It makes sense now, though. You were too perfect to have been a normal girl anyway," he says dismissively, leaning in and giving you a kiss. "So, you still love me?" you ask. "Even more. No more secrets, okay?" You nod and kiss him back. "No more secrets."

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