Chapter 47: Chance encounter

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I heard Aizawa saying words that were classed as swearing words before he raced from their bedroom to the lounge room after hearing Hizashi's yell.
"What is it? What happened?" Aizawa demanded as he came towards us, his quirk activated and his capture scarf in his hands looking for a threat.
"Sorry, sorry nothing. Well not nothing but no danger at the moment" Hizashi said as he continued to look at me. He seemed to be attempting to either read my emotions or gather information about me.
"It just seems that Kaze has been making plans to take down the league of villains without telling us" Hizashi said, and it was Aizawa who froze this time.
"Hold on, I have to go and hang up on Nedzu before we continue this conversation" Aizawa said before he left the room. Picking up his phone from where he had dropped in on the floor, he made an excuse to Nedzu that Kaze had told Hizashi that he had seen a bug and Aizawa now had to go and deal with that situation. Nedzu agreed but told him that they would be speaking more about the U.A traitor later.
"Now, let's sit down and start from the start" Aizawa said as he walked into the lounge room and all three of us sat down.
"I and the other dreams have already begun to make moves towards taking down the league of villains or I should say that we are make plans to take out the person in charge of the league of villains" I said.
"There are so many things that I want to say right now but you either won't understand or will be able to wave them off" Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"How long have you been planning this?" Hizashi asked.
"Since before the league of villains announced themselves, I have been planning this since it was only Daymare and myself" I answered.
"That was years ago, how did you even know about the league of villains?" Aizawa questioned.
"It's not the league of villains that we are after, it's the one in charge of everything and I am not conversing about Shigaraki" I said.
"Tell me Aizawa, over the past few years have you noticed something different. Something changing on the streets while you are patrolling?" I enquired. I wondered if he had noticed but not yet put the pieces of knowledge together to have an understanding of what was going on.
"There only thing that I have noticed is that some criminals seemed to be stopping.... It's like they disappeared" Aizawa said, trailing off at the end.
"They did disappear, didn't they? I've noticed over the years that there are a few people that living on the streets that I used to help but then one day they were just gone, and no one knew what happened to them" Hizashi said.
"Yes, they have disappeared. Over the years more and more petty criminals, homeless people, prostitutes and other such people have disappeared. Not enough to truly make someone take a second look unless they were looking straight at it, but they were all taken by one person" I confirmed.
"The underground heroes have a bit of a story, a story of a bogeyman. When someone disappears or dies on a job then they will just put it down to the bogeyman, that's who you are aren't you? It's not just a story isn't?" Aizawa asked, as he slumped into his chair.
"It's not a story, the person is known to call himself All for One. I do not have an understanding of why he has this name, nor do I see the need to find out. All I do know is that he needs to be taken care of and I don't mean to lock him up, it's holds too much of the danger emotion to do that" I said. Both of the pro heroes slumped in their chairs, pale in color as they thought of the words that I have just spoken. After all they had dedicated their lives to saving people and here, I was speaking of killing someone.
"What happened to the ones that disappeared?" Hizashi whispered.
"They were experimented on, the Nomu's are the creations showing what became of them" I said and Hizashi looked even more pale. I had the worried emotion that he was going to lose consciousness, but he was stronger than that.
"They were once human.... And the police didn't bother to tell us this?" Aizawa demanded. He had known that they were human, but he had thought that it was a mutation quirk that made them look like that. Instead, it was a person that had been experimented on over and over with.
"How did you come to know all of this information?" Hizashi was hesitant to ask this, but he needed to know. Letting out a breath of air that was known as a sigh, I started to undo my school shirt so that they would be able to see my chest. There were scars covering my body from my feats as Nightmare but on my chest, there was a large blistering scar that was still red and looked inflamed but that was just how it healed. Both Aizawa and Hizashi looked like they were going to be sick, but they pushed it down.
"Not even Recovery Girl has seen this scar to this extent. When she first gave me my health check when you first brought me to U.A I had covered it in the makeup stuff that Daydream had given me. It isn't as sore as it looks either, it's because of the way that it was healed" I explained.
"One year after I had become Nightmare and about half a year after I had met Daymare, before we were all that well known, we encountered this All for One or at least someone who was working for him at the time. He conversed his want to experiment on both Daymare and me. We did not have an agreement about that and so we fought. The wounds that were dealt would have killed me had Daymare not been there. It was the one time that we had to break out promise on not using our quirks while being vigilantes because if not we would have been killed" I said, stopping to take a breath as a I remembered he pain that I had been in. Daymare had been hysterical and had nearly been killed themselves because they saved me, but I had returned the favor and saved them. Ever since then we had been careful not to bring All for One's attention onto ourselves while we were vigilantes.
"After that we retreated and managed to get away. Ever since then we have been making plans to put a stop to All for One, thought we did not know about what they were experimenting for until the U.S.J attack" I said.
"You were almost killed but you still want to continue to fight?" Hizashi asked while continuing to look at my stomach. There was only one way a scar like that would happen, and that is if someone had burnt the wound closed.
"Yes. I may not have the title of hero nor have the public accepted me as I am a vigilante but the reason, I became Nightmare is to save people. I want to make sure no one is ever left alone like I was. I want to bring hope to those around me. And All for One is hurting people, terrifying those that have the knowledge about him or even have heard stories about him therefore I cannot allow him to continue" I said, my eyes were gleaming behind my glasses showing how determined I was to see this through. I went silent after that allowing Aizawa and Hizashi to think about what I have spoken of.
"You know that we can't let you do this by yourself don't you?" Aizawa questioned and I looked at him, my mouthing opening to reply.
"And the other Dreams don't count" he said.
"We haven't met any of the other Dreams and we aren't looking down on their skills, we know that they are skilled from the amount of people have been taken down by them, but you are in our care and even if you aren't, you are a teenager. You should be worried about hanging out with friends, who to date or what to wear, not putting an end to the League of Villains" Hizashi said. I did have an understanding of what they were conversing about but.... My phone went off and I took it out of my pocket to look at the screen.
'We could use more people to help us'
Nightdream, it seems had tapped into my phone and they had been monitoring my conversation. I would not argue that having Aizawa and Hizashi assisting me would make things easier, but I did not want them to be in danger.
"Kaze" Aizawa called out, gaining my attention for a moment.
"One moment, I am conversing with Nightdream" I said before quickly texting the number back and getting an answer. This happened a few times before the messages disppeared and no doubt the phone that Nightdream was using would either be wiped or destroyed so that they would not be tracked down.
"You are able to call a meeting of heroes, aren't you?" I enquired looking at Hizashi and Aizawa.
"It depends on the heroes" Hizashi said.
"Nedzu, All Might, Midnight, Sir Nighteye, Endeavour, Best Jeanest, Gran Torino and Detective Tsuchi. It needs to happen before the training camp but after tomorrow night" I said.
"We should be able to get those people together, but you need to let us know why" Aizawa bargained.
"I shall be informing them of the fact that I am Nightmare and asking for their help in dealing with this situation. Nightdream and Daydream both agree with it. Mid-dream and Daymare are annoyed but know that we cannot handle this by ourselves anymore and are willing to give them a chance but if they do not react the right way, we will go back to working by ourselves" I informed them, and their eyes widened.
"You do realize all of them had grounds to arrest you?" Hizashi said.
"It's their mess that I am being forced to clean up so I am sure that they will make an exception and if they do not then it is not like they have evidence of me breaking the law therefore they cannot do anything to me" I replied.
"You said 'me' but aren't you worried about the other Dreams?" Aizawa asked.
"No, they won't be in contact with the pro-heroes" I said. I was not allowing the others to reveal themselves; it would just be me that way if the pro-heroes and detective wish to put me under arrest it would be easy for me to disappear on my own and not being seen again.
"You're just going to tell them" Hizashi said, more as a statement then a question.
"That is correct" I said.
"And you're not worried?" Aizawa questioned.
"I do have the worried emotion, but I know that you and Hizashi would not allow anything to happen to me" I said, they didn't need to know about the back up plans I had in place in case something happened.
"Okay then, I'll call Nedzu back about the U.A traitor and see him about calling the meeting" Aizawa sighed as he got up.
"And I'll get started on dinner. Oh, you should probably make sure you have everything that you will need to take on the training camp" Hizashi said. The look in both of their eyes told me that this conversation was not yet over but they were willing to leave it alone until the meeting was called. I did not like not answering all the questions that they had and giving them the information that they wish to have but for now they would have to have the patient emotion.

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