Chapter 21: Calvary battle

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The way that the second game was set up showed the intelligence of the U.A teaching staff, though it was a little bias towards the hero course. By having the first game being an all against all battle to come in first it showed who had the drive to get to the top and eliminated those that didn't have that drive. Now with the second game it would show the heroes who were trying to recruit as well as the teachers on who would hold a grudge against those that had beaten them. It would also show them who could work together even after having to work against each other. The last thing that it showed was the knowledge and intelligence of the students after all you needed to be observant about your opponent's when choosing who to work with since some quirks didn't work well together. It was well thought out and planned, the only thing that I would have changed would have to be making the teams myself. I would have put people with quirks that didn't work well together to see how the students would react to having to work with people they normally wouldn't.
"First years, these are the rules that you will abide by. The game itself will last fifteen minutes, individual point values will be added together to get your team total, everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands" Midnight said, the screen showed the points for the different teachers before they added together and showed All Might wearing the headband around his head.
"Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your teams score" Midnight said and a headband was shown so that we could see how it was easy to take them off.
"Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up so the more you steal the harder it will be to manage them. And another thing even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down you can keep playing until times up" She announced.
"It's anyone's game then" Yaoyarozu said.
"Yeah, and since there are 42 contestants there'll be ten to twelve teams fighting on the field the entire time" Sato added.
"Sounds hard" Aoyama said.
"So, if you lose your headband at the beginning, you have more time to make up a plan" Mina said.
"I don't know Mina, maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn our before we start strategizing" Tsu said.
"This is going to be rough; you may use your quirks as much as you like but there are still rules. Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card, you'll be disqualified" Midnight said and I heard Bakugo's 'tch'. The screen changed to show a timer for fifteen minutes.
"Now you've got fifteen minutes to build your teams, I recommend you get started" Midnight said.
"So, are we going to team together? I am sure that we can win if we do" Nari said as he looked at me and Shishi.
"With our quirks and knowledge put together no one would be able to stop us" Shishi said.
"Before we decided that we should wait and see if anyone will offer to team with us, you should not become complacent to working with the same people over and over again. It is not that I do not wish to work you but I do not want to take you away from opportunities that will better allow you to show off your intelligence and quirks" I said.
"We know that you would like to work with us but you are trying to also work out so that we can better show off our quirks so we won't hold it against you" Nari said.
"We will still hold the title of friends even if we don't work together, it's like when playing a game and you have two parties working together but some members switch to the other party to make it easier, afterwards they are still in your party" Shishi said and I nodded. I did have a little of the worried emotion since I wasn't sure if they would have the angry emotion if we didn't team together.
"I think I'm going to team with someone else" Nari spoke up.
"Like Zeze said it's not that I don't want to team with you guys but I can't keep relying on other people to win for me so I am going to branch out" He continued.
"I think that's a good idea while we would be able to work well together from all the training that we did, you want to be in the spotlight but I am fine with sticking to the background for now" Shishi said.
"Remember Nari that you have intelligence and you can contribute a lot if you speak up so don't let people push you around" I said.
"And make sure to show off your quirk that no only helps your team mates but doesn't hurt those you use it against too much" Shishi said.
"Of course, I'm not use if our teams will be against each other during this but if they are, no holding back" Nari said.
"Wouldn't dream of it" Shishi smirked. With that Nari went to go talk to a few other teams while Shishi and I stood together.
"If you think I'm going to choose anyone but you to be on my team you don't have as much intelligence as you think you do" Shishi said.
"I believe that it would be a good advantage for us to stay together but we should also add another person to our team" I said, already looking at the people around us and remembering names and quirks of people before spotting someone that would be a good fit for our team.
"I can always use my quirk on them if they don't agree" Shishi offered.
"No, I think that it would be best to keep the knowledge about your quirk close to you so others can't use it against you when we get to the third round. We also do not want them to break out of your quirk halfway through the game and start fighting us. We shall converse with them and offer them a place in our group" I said and Shishi shrugged before nodding and following me towards the person I wanted to join us.

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