Chapter 43: More exams

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Shishi, Nari and Tsu had only just walked into the 'city' when there was a call for help from somewhere to their left. All three of them wasted no time heading straight towards the yell for help. They stopped when they got to the front of a house that must be the scene of the crime that they would need to solve. There was Power Loader crouched down next to Ectoplasm that seemed to have been attacked by someone.

"Chargebolt call an ambulance and then what we know before calling the police. Froppy can you help calm down the witness while I check over the victim for any major injuries" Shishi requested. Nari already had his radio out that was used as a means of contact with the ambulance and police while Tsu walked over and started to converse with Power Loader with the calm emotion. She managed to have him step away from Ectoplasm who was his roommate in his scenario so that Shishi could step up and check him over. First Shishi made sure that he had a pulse and was not bleeding from anywhere major. He then turned to looking over his wounds, making sure not to move Ectoplasm or allow the man himself to move since they didn't know what the damage was therefore it could be made worse if he moved.

"The ambulance is five minutes out and the police have been notified and had been told to be on the lookout for anyone suspicious in this area" Nari said to Shishi before he headed over to Tsu who had managed to get Power Loader to sit on the chair on the veranda and had gotten him a drink of water to help him have the calm emotion.

"You mentioned seeing the person that attack Mr. Ectoplasm, can I ask if you recognized him at all?" Tsu was questioning Power Loader now that he had calmed down and they were waiting for the ambulance.

"I didn't get a very good look at him; I just saw his back as he ran away down the street. It wasn't until I saw Ectoplasm laying on the veranda that I even knew that something had happened" Power Loader said.

"There seems to have been a scuffle inside of your house, do you mind if we have a look? It would help us to be able to find out who done this" Nari explained being gentle so as not to startle the witness.

"Of course, of course. If it means finding who done this to Ectoplasm, please look as much as you like" Power Loader said.

"You head inside, I'll stay here with Power Loader for a little while longer until the ambulance comes, and they can both be checked for injuries" Tsu whispered to Nari who nodded his agreement, and he entered the house.

"Sending Kaminari to gather evidence? They should have sent one of the others" Jiro said as they entered the room with Tokoyami and Sero. Her words made the anger emotion flare within me, but I pushed it down for now.

"Do you have some sort of problem with Nari?" I asked, making sure that the emotions that I was beginning to feel were not given away by my voice like some people.

"I don't really have anything against him or anything, he is just an idiot that isn't suited for this sort of thing" Jiro shrugged.

"If that is your knowledge on the matter then you are misinformed. It is not that Nari lacks knowledge; it is that people do not take the time to wait for him to answer the question that is given to him. Because of his electricity quirk, electric currents are always running threw out his body therefore giving him more energy than others around him. It is because of this energy that he finds it hard to sit still enough to gather knowledge or apply the knowledge that he possesses" I said, not taking my eyes off the screen. I needed to make sure that I did not miss any actions that Shishi and Nari were doing so that I could lecture them when we trained together and give them the correct actions that they should have taken.

"You must really know Kaminari to know so much about his quirk" Iida commented.

"That statement is truthful. As you have knowledge of, I have been helping Shishi and Nari train since before the sports festival and Ro-chan has recently joined our party as well. I cannot give knowledge that I have not obtained myself therefore the first actions that I take is to find out everything that I can about their quirks and work their advantages and disadvantages into their training menus" I explained.

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