Chapter 25: A commercial of a battle

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Arriving at the room that Present Mic and Aizawa were in I knocked softly so that they would be able to hear it but the knock wouldn't carry through the speakers if they still had their microphones on.
"Hey, hey little listener, shouldn't you be getting ready for your match?" Present Mic questioned as he opened the door and gestured for me to walk into the room.
"I have calculated that it shall take more time to dispose of the ice therefore I should have time to converse with you as well as finish my preparations for the one-on-one battle that I shall be participating in" I answered.
"And what is it that you wanted to speak to us about? Normally you would have waited until the sports festival was over to speak with us" Aizawa said.
"Class 1-A and I have come to realize a lack in the training that the school has provided for us as well as class 1-B" I said and they both looked to have the surprise emotion before it was gone and replaced with a look that I believed meant that they knew what I was speaking about.
"By this point we should have all had a class on the basics of hand-to-hand combat yet we have not received this training, class 1-A has also not had replacement classes for the incident for the U.S.J therefore we have had no training in disaster rescues which is illogical and lacking knowledge. So far, all the training that we have done is to fight with our quirks against each other as well as how to react in situations that All Might-sensei has spoken to us about" I explained.
"You're right, we should have already given you lessons on hand-to-hand combat as well as replaced the disaster rescue training when it was interrupted but unfortunately All Might is your teacher for heroics therefore, we aren't able to do anything but try and advise him. He doesn't seem to be listening to the advice from us though" Aizawa sighed.
"In that case, I shall ask to converse with Principal Nedzu and explain to him that his academy is lacking in the knowledge that it is teaching the students and that if nothing is done about it, I shall have to lead the class in the lessons myself" I said. Aizawa and Present Mic instantly burst into laughter and Present Mic reached out and ruffled my hair which I noticed was getting longer.
"How about we bring this up with Nedzu and if he still doesn't listen then we'll help you kick All Might out so that you can teach the class the things that you believe are important for them to know" Present Mic offered.
"That deal is acceptable. Is this one of the times that I should shake my hand with your hand to make sure that the deal is done?" I questioned and he chuckled again.
"It's not really needed but since you asked, we can shake hands" Present Mic said and he gently grabbed his hand in mine and showed me how to shake hands. I had to hold firmly but not too tightly since I did not wish to damage Present Mic's hand.
"I'm not able to say this out loud but I am totally rooting for you to win," Present Mic said.
"Zashi, we aren't meant to have favorites," Aizawa warned.
"Oh please, as if you aren't cheering Kaze" Present Mic huffed.
"I shall take my leave now so that I may prepare" I said.
"Hey problem child. Knock em dead" Aizawa said with a smirk and I nodded to let him know that I had heard before I left.

"Welcome back to the finals everyone, sorry for that long wait. The insane amount of ice from the second match has finally been cleared though so it's time to welcome new competitors" Present Mic announced as Nari and I were heading to the raised platform though on different sides.
"He hasn't shown us much since he laid low in the first activity but he caught us off guard with his surprise in the second activity, it's Kaze for the hero course verses" Present Mic said as I walked onto the stage.
"The boy with the electric personality, another hero in the making Kaminari Denki!" Present Mic yelled as Nari walked onto the stage on his side.
"Keep those eyes peeled. I want to see a super flashy battle this time!" Present Mic hyped the crowd up.
"I'm not going to hold back on you Zeze" Kaminari said as he did a few stretches which I mirrored.
"I would not want you to. We shall treat this like a normal sparring match like we have made an agreement about. All quirk use is allowed as well as any other flying capabilities that we have, I shall stop this fight if I observe that you are going over your boundaries" I warned him.
"That's fine by me, this time I am going to win" Nari said and we both took fighting stances.
"Ready? Start!" Present Mic yelled. Instantly there was a flash of yellow electricity as Nari wrapped himself with his lightning and instantly came towards me. I had already predicted that this would be his first move so I drew in a breath, wrapped the air around me so that I could move at the same speed as he could.
"What's this? It seems that this fight is off to a fast beginning" Present Mic said.
"Kaminari and Kaze are both using their quirks to allow their bodies to move faster than normal while engaging in hand-to-hand combat" Aizawa said. I dodged to the side so that I wouldn't get hit by Nari's punch before spinning and going for a kick. Nari jumped backwards doing a backhand spring to put some distance between us before springing back towards me. This time I didn't dodge the punch coming towards me instead letting it hit before I grabbed both of his arms and bringing my knee up into his stomach and letting my hold of the air around me go.
"You are still relying on your arms too much, remember that your whole body can be a weapon" I said and he looked up with a smirk. I realized my mistake as soon as the jolt of electricity hit my hands and I let go before jumping back to both catch my breath as well as plan out the next move. Since he was holding his own so well, I decided that it was time to take this up a level or two. I once more held my breath but this time instead of wrapping myself in it I made the air around us become denser and heavier so that it would weigh Nari down and start to make him lose his breath easily. Nari seemed to recognize what I was doing as he let off a few sparks of electricity in my direction. Nowhere near enough to reduce the level of brain activity like normal but enough to try and get me to take a breath. Unfortunately for him I was a good multi-tasker so I had already moved as the bolts of electricity came towards me and was behind him before he could move earning him my foot to his back. I had told him in training to make sure that he was ready to move in case his back was a target as well as to not stay stationary if he could help it. If he was able to since he had a slimmer body build then some others in the class it would be best if he was to keep moving while using his quirk, not giving his opponents time to attack him. I would have told him this but I was still holding my breath. It seems that I was too busy focusing on my thoughts as Kaminari used his position on the floor to use his legs to sweep me off my feet as well.
"Look at them go folks, when I said I wanted a flashy battle I wasn't expecting some like this" Present Mic said.
"Good, you are learning" I said as we both sprung up to our feet but this time both of our quirks weren't activated.
"Of course, you see I had this amazing teacher that I am determined to make him proud" Nari smirked before rushing towards me. As soon as he was close enough, we started to exchange blow after blow, between fists and feet. For every hit that I took I gave one back.
"I'm not sure if I can win this or not, but I'm going to try," Kaminari said as he grabbed onto me and used his quirk again to let the electricity run up my arms making me grit my teeth against the pain. I also noticed that his vision was starting to wander, he was starting to reach his limit.
"I commend you for trying, but now is the time to finish this" I said before wrapping myself in my quirk again and moving before he could realize what I was doing. I had Kaminari pinned to the ground on his chest with his arms behind him while sitting on his legs to make it so he couldn't move at all. For an added measure I added my quirk to make the air heavy enough to stop him from moving but not stop him from breathing or talking. He thrashed for a little bit, giving off more electricity but I did not loosen my grip, in fact I tightened it.
"Kaminari, can you move?" Midnight enquired and Nari sighed before stopping his struggles.
"Nah, he has me pinned," Nari said.
"Kaminari has been immobilized, Kaze is the winner" Midnight announced and the crowd cheered so loudly I believe it was on the same sound level as the lions I had heard on my laptop.
"And with that the most epic battle that I have seen today has come to an end!" Present Mic said and I got off Nari.
"Come, let us go to the place where Recovery Girl dwells" I said as I put out my hand for Nari.
"I thought that I had you there for a moment but you moved before I could even react" Nari said.
"You left your back open, twice as well as forgetting that you have more than your quirk and hands in a fight" I said.
"But other than that, I find that I had enjoyment as we sparred and I am not sure what proud is but I am sure that your teacher feels that emotion" I said as we headed towards the exit.
"And what a beautiful show of sportsmanship" Present Mic said.
"Both of them fought really well," One of the pros said.
"I was on the edge of my seat," another said.
"Both of them would make good sidekicks from the skills that they showed" A third pro hero said.
"I'll definitely be sending them offers to intern under me" A fourth said and that was the last that we heard as we went under the stadium and towards the room of Recovery Girl.

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