Chapter 15: Costume discussions

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The next morning came all too soon since it was three in the morning that I woke up and continued to look at the stars on the roof. Normally when I woke this early, if I had been sleeping, that is, I would do my morning routine as I got ready for school before reading until I had to head to the train station. Taking the train for the first time had been an experience since I had always been walking everywhere during the night since I had nowhere else to be. Aizawa and Hizashi had gotten me a train pass and helped me navigate the train lines the first few times but thinking about that was leaving what I was truly thinking about behind. I would have gotten up but I did not want to awaken Aizawa and Hizashi from their slumber by walking around the house so for now I would stay in bed. With that decided I rolled over to my side so that I could grab my phone and started to browse the internet and took the next step with my two plans. I had to make sure that while I was continuing the plans that I covered my tracks but after everything that I now had knowledge about it was rather easy to cover any digital tracks that I might have left. Though I still didn't understand why they titled them digital tracks, it's not like I could walk on the internet to leave normal tracks on it. Once I was sure that everything was there I saw that Shishi had sent me a message while I had been asleep and it was an internet link to something. Clicking on the link I pulled up a page and I felt the happiness emotion to see that it was the website that Shishi had told me about. The website was a site for different photographs of cats and videos of cats. With a little exploring I learnt how to make it so that my phone made noise but not too loud of a noise so that I could watch the cat videos. While I was watching the videos, Coffee came into the room and jumped onto the bed before snuggling against my chest. From watching the videos I realise that she wished to be hugged so I pulled her to my chest like I would my plushies (which were on the other side of me) but I was careful not to hug her too tight since she was a living being. I wasn't keeping track of time while I hugged Coffee and watched videos so I was surprised when I heard a squeal so I turned and saw Hizashi standing in the doorway with his phone raised.
"May I enquire as to what you are doing?" I asked.
"Sorry little listener but you just looked so cute snuggling with Coffee that I had to take a photo, Shouta is just going to love this and he is not going to be happy that he missed it" Hizashi chuckled.
"I have an understanding now, may I please request to acquire this photo?" I asked and Hizashi nodded.
"Sure thing, I'll send it to you before starting to cook breakfast. How is your stomach feeling this morning?" Hizashi questioned.
"It is not hurting nor does it feel like it has been overfilled" I said.
"Okay, just in case I'll stick with making a small portion of breakfast for you. Does pancakes sound good?" Hizashi asked.
"I am not familar with these pancakes, I have read about them but have not yet cooked them" I replied.
"That makes it even more important that we have pancakes, you get ready for school today and remember to be careful of your casts that can hopefully come off today" Hizashi said.
"Understood" I said. With that I got up from the bed, making sure to give Coffee one more pat, and located my uniform that was hanging on a metal bar attached to the wall that was near to the dresser. Once I had that I went to the bathroom to wash up and get dressed before joining Aizawa who was already sitting at the bench in the kitchen.
"Morning problem child" Aizawa said before taking a drink out of his cup.
"I give you a greeting of the morning, may I enquire as to what that dark liquid that you are consuming is?" I asked.
"It's called coffee and before you ask no I don't mean the cat" Aizawa said and I nodded. I had heard of this coffee, it was meant to help people stay awake or to give an energy boost.
"Here you go, remember to take it slow and if there is too much food tell me and I will save the rest of later. You can also have strawberries, cream or even syrup but for now there is only butter on them" Hizashi said as he placed a plate in front of me with two thin food objects on them. I cut a piece of the pancake before putting it in my mouth and chewing. It was sweet like the cake that Hizashi had brought me. I quickly turned back to the plate and continued to eat but I made sure to chew fully so that I didn't choke.
"I take it that you like pancakes?" Hizashi chuckled as they both watched me while they ate their own breakfasts.
"They are quite enjoyable" I agreed.
"Would you like anymore? I can cook some more if you are still hungry" Hizashi said.
"I give my thanks but must decline your offer as my stomach is not able to fit any more food in it" I said.
"That's fine kiddo don't try and push yourself, is there anything else that you need before we head to school?" Aizawa questioned as he finished eating. He had a hard time eating since both of his arms were in casts but Hizashi had made sure that his food was all cut up so that all he had to do was stab it with the fork since they were easier to use with pancakes then chopsticks were and bring it to his mouth.
"If it is bringing no trouble to the both of you, I would like to try this coffee drink" I said. Hizashi chuckled before he grabbed another mug and poured the black liquid into it before placing a jug of milk and a dish of sugar next to the cup that he placed on the table.
"If it is too bitter and you don't like it, try adding some milk and sugar to make it sweeter" Aizawa explained and I nodded. Lifting the mug to my lips I took a sip and couldn't help but sit up straight and look at the liquid. Before I had tasted it I had tried to think of what it might taste like but it seems that I needed to continue to grow my knowledge because I had never tasted something like this. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I took another sip and nodded my head.
"This drink is quite pleasing" I said as I continued to drink it.
"Well at least you didn't spit it out" Aizawa said making Hizashi let out a sqwark.
"That was one time Shouta and it was your fault for giving me black coffee!" Hizashi huffed.
"But I am glad that you enjoy it, I will remember that so if you feel like drinking it again just let me know" He continued while he turned to me this time. After finished my drink I brushed my teeth before locating my bag and grabbed it before heading to the door.
"Are you sure you want to keep taking the train? We could always drive you to school with us" Hizashi said as he looked at me. He was feeling the worry emotion.
"I will be safe so don't feel the worry emotion. It is better that we are not seen coming and going together, the secret is better kept that way" I said.
"Okay, I'll see you in homeroom and don't forget to visit Recovery Girl" Aizawa said and I once more nodded. I put my shoes on and leave to the train.
"I know that you are going to be talking to the students about their costumes before seeing Powerloader so can you make sure to tell him about Kaze's feet....Also Midoriya's shoes are the same as Kaze's so make sure that they know about that as well" Hizashi requested. The shade of red that Midoriya's shoes were was very telling since that was the only Japanese shoe company that would make sure for people with a second pinky toe joint.
"I'll do it, now we should head to school" Aizawa sighed and they gathered their own stuff that they needed for teaching before they headed to the school for another day. Hizashi had tried to get Aizawa to stay home and they had a small arguement over it last night but in the end Aizawa was too stubborn.

The wind of changeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora