Chapter 34: Internships continue

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The next morning I woke up before everyone else and winced a little. Last night Mid-dream and I worked together to stop three assaults, two robbery's and three break and enters. Not all of them were as easy as jumping down and knocking them out resulting in my stomach, chest, arms and legs getting a little bruised but nothing that wouldn't heal. I could only give my thanks that I normally wore clothing that covered my arms and legs therefore I would not have to come up with an explanation on where the discoloration came from.
"I see you're up and about already Kaze" Hizashi smiled as he gently knocked on my door before opening.
"That statement is truthful...Wait it was that you are correct?" I said tilting my head.
"That's right little listener, I'm just starting breakfast if you want to take a shower and get ready for the day. I'll wake Todoroki up but try and let Shota sleep a little more, he got home late last night or early this morning and there seemed to be something on his mind as well. Oh and casual clothes are fine until we get to the agency" Hizashi said.
"Okay, I shall try" I said as I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes for the day before heading to the bathroom. I finished getting dressed into a white t-shirt and a red and black plaid skirt but I made sure to put on my jacket from my hero costume as well as a pair of stockings and the boots from my hero costume.
"You look good this morning" Hizashi beamed as I nodded.
"I give my thanks" I said, I believe that this is what people call a compliment.
"Good morning" Todoroki said as he walked out wearing a black button up shirt over top of a dark red t-shirt with a v neckline and a pair of blue jeans.
"Is that how you are meant to give morning greetings?" I questioned.
"It is one way to do it, yes. I spoke to Shota a little bit earlier this morning about your desire to want to interact like others around you do and there is nothing wrong with that but Kaze, you do understand that you don't have to be like others right? You don't have to change how you are to be a hero. If you want to learn I will keep correcting you gently but if not we don't have to" Hizashi said as he started to place the food on the table in front of us before placing his in front of the chair that he normal sat on. Thinking about it I knew that what he was saying was correct, there was also the guilty emotion that I think I felt when I thought about how I knew how to interact with others since I interacted normally when I was Nightmare. The thing was that when I interact with people as Nightmare it felt like I was being untruthful with those around me and I have the hope emotion that if I learnt how to interact like that in my everyday life then I would no longer feel like I was being untruthful.
"A lot of different heroes have different ways they interact with people. There is Snipe-sensei who acts like an American cowboy, Midnight with her flirty and sexual innuendos and even Present Mic with the way he acts and speaks" Todoroki spoke up.
"Exactly, so if you wanted we could find a way for you to communicate with others so that the public can understand you and you can put them at ease but without changing you all that much" Hizashi agreed.
"Would there be a way for that to happen? I have thought over all of the outcomes but the only one that I have been able to come up with that has more then sixty percent chance of working was to learn to communicate with others like those around me" I said.
"Yeah but that was when you were thinking and planning all alone, problem child," Aizawa said as he walked into the room with a yawn.
"You should still be sleeping," Hizashi scowled.
"Coffee is hungry so she jumped on me and then Bastard took offence to that and they started to chase each other around" Aizawa said as he walked over to the cat dishes and picked them up and went to get the food.
"Still you could have called out" Hizashi protested as he walked over to his husband.
"I don't think you need to change Kaze, you are fine the way you are" Todoroki said and I looked at him, hearing Aizawa and Hizashi in the background.
"Really?" I asked my head tilting subconsciously.
"Yeah, no one should change themselves for someone else, it should be a choice that you make yourself. And it isn't hard to understand what you mean plus I think the way that you speak would actually be calming to some people" Todoroki said.
"Okay you two finish up your breakfast and then we will head to the agency" Hizashi said, sitting in his chair with a pout on his face. Aizawa had won their arguement.
"Before you go Todoroki there is something that I want to ask you though it is probably personal and if you don't want to talk about it then you can tell me and I won't bring it up again" Aizawa said as he sat down a cup of coffee in front of him.
"I don't mind, it's about Endeavour isn't it?" Todoroki asked.
"Not exactly, what can you tell me about your older brother?" Aizawa questioned.
"Natsuo?" Todoroki asked, the surprise emotion in his voice, he did not understand why Aizawa was asking about him.
"No your other brother, your oldest brother" Aizawa said and everything went silent so the only sound was the cats who were eating.
"Sorry I shouldn't have-" Aizawa started.
"He died when I was younger, Endeavour was training Touya before I was born. I don't really remember much since he died when I was younger but I remember that he used to always look after the injuries that I got from training, he even use to try and fight Endeavour to make him give me a break from training" Todoroki said looking at the table as he remember Touya yelling at Endeavour as he held Shoto close before he got hit and Shoto was dragged off to training anyway.
"Endeavour said that he died in a training accident but I never believed it was an accident but it's not like we can do anything" Todoroki said.
"Thank you for telling me this Todoroki, I should let you know that I will be investigating this a little more. Normally I wouldn't talk to you about this but a contact of mine last night approached with information that if I wanted to make a case against Endeavour that I should start with looking at your older brother and since it is about you I decided that I should tell you" Aizawa explained.
"It's fine. If you looking into Touya can bring that bastard to justice then we can handle it" Todoroki said and neither of the adults could scold him for his language.
"Well little listeners lets go" Hizashi called out and we headed to the car, trading our fairwell greetings with Aizawa.

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