Chapter 17: Training begins

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Hizashi was correct to leave the conversation about genders until we got home, there was so many different genders that people identified as that it had my head hurting by the time, they had explained most of them to me and written down the names of all of the ones they could remember so that I could continue to research if that is what I wanted to do. But I could now tell the difference between male and female and I could say that I identified as male even if I did enjoy wearing female clothes. Hizashi had told me that this meant that I liked to cross-dress. Aizawa told me that there was nothing wrong with that and even showed me the Wild Wild Pussycats which had a member, Tiger, that was a crossdresser. Because of that information I was feeling more of the confident emotion when it came to wearing my skirts. They had also revealed that they had brought me another pair of shoes, they were bright red like my other pair, Midoriya's were also red and I remember Shigaraki's own shoes being that color as well but Hizashi explained that they were the only ones that made shoes for people with feet like mine. After all of that Aizawa started to create dinner while Hizashi came to my room to hang up the string of lights he called fairy lights that were in the shape of Hawks but the table he wanted was still being shipped to the place he wanted to buy it from. He then helped me sort my clothing into different pieces such as shirts, pants, skirts and others before packing them into my cupboard and then he showed me that the few dressed and clothes that shouldn't be folded up should be put on hangers and hung on the bar that my uniforms hung on.
"I'll go and help out Shouta, do you want to come with or are you going to get settled in here first?" Hizashi questioned.
"I believe that I shall continue to dwell here for this moment" I said and he nodded before reached out and ruffling my hair.
"Don't forget to brush your hair since it has been tangled up from the wind" Hizashi said and I nodded before he left. Since dinner would soon be served, I did not start watching the sports festival DVD's instead of I worked on training ideas for both Shishi and I, perhaps I could ask Aizawa and Hizashi for knowledge about it. They would be unable to tell us what we would be doing in the sports festival but they would be able to advise us on how to train. That was why I was doing this first since I could ask them over dinner. So far, I believe that I have come up with basic training ideas but I wasn't sure since they were what I had done to start out with, I didn't what to overwork Shishi since his body does not seem to be use to physical activity like mine was.
"Kaze, can you come out here? I'll teach you how to set the table" Hizashi called out.
"Okay" I called back, making sure to text Shishi, who was talking about what Tuna had done, and Kaminari who was asking what my favorite color was, his was sky blue, so they wouldn't worry about me not answering since I was going to feast on the meal known as dinner. When I reached the dining room Hizashi showed me how to set the table with the plates and glasses in case we wished for drinks with dinner. I had read about setting the table before, mostly on the internet where people were complaining about it. It was a popular choice of chore for young teens to older teens so that they could learn responsibility and earn an allowance. I had not yet gotten around to finding out what an allowance was but from people's words it was never big enough.
"So, you and Shinsou are planning to train together to get ready for the sports festival?" Hizashi asked as the food was sat on the table. Tonight, we were having fish with rice and a soup on the side. I saw that Bastard and Coffee had been given their own dinners as well.
"That is correct. Shishi wishes to be a hero but did not obtain enough points on the exam to allow him to join the hero course, therefore he has now moved onto trying to leave an impression on the teachers at the sports festival" I said.
"I guess he doesn't have a quirk that is mostly to do with strength?" Aizawa sighed.
"I am unsure if I should give a truthful answer without first consulting Shinso" I replied. I was still unsure about how people feel about other people speaking about their quirks.
"That's good, you shouldn't discuss someone else's quirk without their permission but if you do get permission let us know, maybe we could help with ideas about how to train" Aizawa said.
"Understood" I said. With that we fell into conversation about how our days had gone, what we each thought about shopping and finally ideas on the general training Shishi and I could do without them knowing about Shishi's quirk. After dinner finished, I took my nightly shower before asking Shishi's permission to converse about his quirk with Aizawa and Hizashi (Without their names), so they could suggest ideas for training. He said that he would feel the happiness emotion if I would do that since two pro heroes' advice would be a good thing to have. After that I spent some time in the lounge room tell Hizashi and Aizawa about Shishi's quirk and the training that I had already thought that we could do. They added things that we could do as well as suggesting some other training exercises to replace ones I had written down. I continued to forget that we would have much more space than I had when in my apartment. When I believed we had enough knowledge for a basic training tomorrow I went back to my room and started to watch the sports festival DVDs with Coffee curled up on my lap. I had only two weeks to find out as much knowledge as I could about this festival and I would prefer to have all the information I needed in a week. This was because then I would be able to continue going over the knowledge in my notebooks for the second week and be able to give the knowledge to Shinso so he could learn it as well. With all of this in mind I grabbed a notebook that Hizashi had brought me when he realized that I liked taking notes about everything and began to write as I watched, my light was on making it so much easier see and since I now had my old glasses back it no longer felt weird.

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