Chapter 22: Underestimation

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Just like I thought we soon lost two of our headbands to Tetsutetsu's team but we decided to let that team go and not follow them for now, we would get them back soon enough.
"Seems like Midoriya and Todoroki are about to have a battle" Aoyama said.
"Hmm" I let out a noise that I had only ever heard other people make which made me experience the surprise emotion.
"Spit it out Fluffy, I can basically see the cogs in your mind turning. And that is just a saying I know you don't actually have cogs in your head" Shishi said.
"I have an understanding of that phrase as I have read it many times before in adventure books when the hero comes up with a plan to get them out of a hard situation. As for the information that my brain has just processed, I believe that we should stay back from those two teams for now and wait with our quirks ready" I said.
"With the two large point values that they have it would be stupid to think that the other teams won't go after them while they are trying to battle" Aoyama agreed.
"Well, you're not wrong" Shishi said as Shoji's arm's unfolded showing Tsu and Ojiro as they ran towards Todoroki and Midoriya's teams.
"I didn't think this confrontation would happen until later in the contest, he seems to have it out for you Midoriya" Tokoyami said.
"The games only half way over, we can't stop now" Midoriya said.
"Now Iida, forward" Todoroki said and I felt an emotion appear, I believe that it was a bit of the anger emotion and a bit of the upset emotion. Todoroki was not getting the opinions of his team mates instead he was informing them what to do. It was working and I could see the advantages of working like that but it didn't make me feel good. Even when I was Nightmare, I made sure to get the opinions of Daymare, Daydream, Nightdream and Mid-dream so to me it was always better to have a second opinion.
"Shishi, should I have been more like Todoroki?" I questioned as I looked at him.
"Nah, you're fine how you are" Shishi said.
"Oui, you are always allowing everyone to have their own opinion and I am not sure about others but that makes me feel warm and accepted" Aoyama smiled.
"I give my thanks" I said as I ducked my head for some reason, I wasn't sure about. While we were talking Todoroki and his group had started to move forward boosted by Iida's engines and Yaoyarozu who had shoes with wheels on them.
"Yaoyarozu, be ready to protect us" Todoroki said.
"Right" Yaoyarozu agreed and I saw something that she had created come out of her arm and her stomach.
"Kaminari" Todoroki said.
"Oh, I know what I gotta do" Nari said.
"Watch our surroundings, it's not just Todoroki, everyone's after us" Midoriya said. Sure, enough Rin's team, Kendo's team, Hagakure's team and Tsu's team were also charging towards Midoriya with Todoroki.
"Hope you make something strong Yaoyarozu" Nari said just as Todoroki pulled a blanket over himself and a piece of metal grew out of Yaoyarozu's arm to balance out the electricity that was coming.
"Jump" I said and without hesitating Aoyama jumped at the same time as I did and with us Shishi was lifted up as well.
"Indiscriminate shock, 1.3 million volts" Nari yelled. I raised a barrier to stop the electricity from getting to us while also keeping us in the air for the next part of the plan. I heard the yelling from Dark Shadow and had to focus on steadying the air, I did not like that the one I had given the title of friend to was in pain. He wasn't the only one that screamed as the rest of the teams that were hit with it also screamed though I could tell that it was not injuring them as much as it was for Dark Shadow.
"Less than six minutes left, time to make a move" Todoroki said before touching the piece of metal that Yaoyarozu had created and used it to freeze everyone in place.
"Sorry but there's no other way" Todoroki said. Now that he was finished freezing, I let go of the air around us and placed me and Aoyama back on the ground. While the electricity had come far enough to reach us the ice had not, so while we didn't need to be in the air it was best to assume the worst and make a counter plan for it.
"Would you look at that he stopped all those teams cold in their tracks" Present Mic said.
"But only after Kaminari had immobilized the students using his electricity. In the obstacle course he was surprised by how many people avoided his attack, he's adapting his strategy" Aizawa added.
"Nice commentary" Present Mic said.
"I might as well take these" Todoroki said as he took some of Kendo's headbands while they couldn't move.
"Come back!" Kendo yelled with the anger emotion but that was cut off as a large ice wall appeared behind Todoroki cutting him and Midoriya's teams off from the others.
"Shishi" I spoke up as we headed towards a different team to grab their points.
"What is it Fluffy?" Shishi enquired.
"I have a sudden urge to do something that has nothing to do with our plans and may very well ruin my plans to do with the third round but I still wish to do it so I am conflict on if I should act on his urge or not" I explained.
"May I offer my opinion?" Aoyama asked.
"That is acceptable" I nodded.
"I think you should follow your urges" Shishi said.
"I am in agreement with Hitoshi, from what I have seen of you in class you are a boy of very few urges so the urges that you do have you should act on them to your hearts content. You also have a lot more knowledge than most people have so if it does change your plans then I am sure that you can adjust them accordingly" Aoyama smiled and once more I think they were sparkling.
"Very well, I shall take your opinions into my knowledge and put more thought towards my urge before acting on it towards the end of this game, in the last minute shall be a good time to act on this urge" I decided.
"Let's move onto the next team" Shishi said and we nodded.

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