Chapter 13: The dreams

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By the time Midoriya was required to leave it was almost time for the dinner meal and since it was starting to get late I told him that had to text me once he reached his house. If not, I would send Hizashi after him. He agreed with it and also told me that he would come back and visit tomorrow so that we could continue to take notes on our classmates' costumes as well as come up with support items that they could benefit from. Even with all these ideas we had, we still weren't sure if we were going to share it with the rest of the class since we didn't want to bring offence to anyone. I also hadn't managed to talk to him about what I wanted to, but I was hoping I would get a chance tomorrow.
"Hey little listener, see you finally have some alone time" Hizashi smiled as he ducked his head into my room just after the doctor came to check on my condition and give me more medication. He had a tray in his hands that had food on it for dinner.
"Yeah, the others left a while ago and Midoriya left half an hour ago. We were going over the classes' costumes" I explained while holding up my notebook.
"Why would you need to do that? Didn't All Might already do costume critique?" Hizashi asked as he sat the tray on my lap.
"No, he decided that instead of doing costume critiques he would do battle trials instead. Remind me to have a conversation with him and Nedzu about putting all his class plans through me before they do them" Aizawa sighed as he walked in with his own tray and sat on the second chair in the room.
"Shouta! You aren't meant to be walking around" Hizashi squarked and I blinked a little since I had never heard someone's voice come out like that.
"I'm fine Hizashi, how about you share some of Midoriya and your ideas while we eat?" Aizawa requested and I nodded as I started to eat. We spoke to each other between bites of food as I told them about Yaoyaroza's costume which they were worried about. Each costume that I spoke about, they added their own ideas that I was determined to write down once I finished eating. They were horrified when I told them that Hagakure's costume was just gloves and shoes, I wasn't sure if she had anything else. Even though Aizawa had seen them at the U.S.J, he hadn't really paid attention since he was napping on the bus and then we were attacked so I didn't blame him for not noticing.
"This is the last time we ever send costume ideas to a company. I'll talk to Manjiro when I go to U.A tomorrow before my show and see him about making the costumes" Hizashi said. Hearing what he said made me drop my chopsticks and tears started to gather in my eyes though I didn't know why tears were coming out of my eyes for an unintelligent reason.
"What's wrong, problem child?" Aizawa asked gently when he saw my emotions, that I didn't know what they were, trying to come out.
"I missed Present Mic's show today and yesterday.....In fact every day that I've been at U.A, I haven't been able to listen to it," I explained as I gently dabbed my eyes to get rid of the tears.
"That would explain why your teachers say that you get jittery and jumpy when one o'clock comes around," Aizawa chuckled.
"Don't worry about it little listener, the show is live from one to five each afternoon but as you know, being my biggest fan, it's repeated each morning from seven to eleven so you can listen to today's show tomorrow. As for when you are at U.A I can see about someone recording the show for you to listen to when you get home, ya dig?" Hizashi smiled and I thought about it before nodding.
"Okay" I said and with that we continued to eat dinner. After everyone had finished eating my mouth stretched wide and for the first time in my life (that I remember) I experienced a yawn.
"This is strange" I said after I had yawned.
"Strange?" Aizawa asked, Hizashi had left to return the plates as well as see about a change of clothes so that I could have a shower before bed.
"Normally I do not experience being tired. I sleep each night but it is not for many hours but it is enough for my body to continue functioning but now I am feeling tired and wish to sleep" I said and he nodded.
"That would be the medication. Some medication can make the user tired so that their body will rest to help heal their wounds faster" Aizawa explained.
"So sleeping will heal my wounds?" I questioned.
"Not right away but it will help. Think of medication like Recovery Girl's kisses, when she heals you with a kiss it makes you really tired doesn't it?" He asked and I nodded. Recovery Girl had said that she used the patients energy to heal their wounds which made sense with what Aizawa was saying.
"I understand now" I said just as Hizashi joined us.

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