Chapter 2: Adventure to the outside

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One year, it had taken me one whole year to be able to get my newest ability under control since it was powerful. At first I had thought that it was some sort of earth manipulation but it was more complicated then that, it was control over anything to do with natural disasters. Earthquakes meant control over the earth, tornado's meant control over the winds, tsunami's meant control over the waters, forest fires meant control over fires, thunderstorms meant control over lightning, avalanch's meant control over snow and so on. Since it was such a big ability I had trouble controlling it at times hence why I had locked myself back up in my apartment for the past year. I could only use one type of element at a time but at least now I wasn't making everyone around the apartment building think that an earthquake was going to hit. In celebration for finally getting control I decided that I would leave my apartment. This time it was going to be different from all the other times since I decided I would go out in the day time. Putting on a hooded shirt, I slipped on a pair of pants that were still both way too big on me but it didn't matter. Exiting my apartment I pulled the door closed behind me and looked out to see people walking past the apartment buliding like they did every day. This outing was sure to be fun but I had to make sure not to get into a fight with anyone since Present Mic has said fighting with people on the street was a bad thing to do.

Since I didn't exactly know a lot of things about the outside world I just walked around looking at all the people and strange things in buildings that I learnt were called shops that you could buy things from if you had something called money. At least that was the plan, what I hadn't counted on was how bright that thing in sky, that one of my books said was the sun, was. Most of my time was spent in the apartment and even with a window, not much light got in so being in direct sunlight had me whinning in pain and racing for the closest alley covering my eyes. Once in the alleyway I pulled down my fringe hoping that I would be able to somehow stop the light from hitting my eyes but it wasn't helping all that much. I couldn't help the sob that tore it's way out of my throat as I pulled my knees up and pressed my hands to my eyes.
"Oi kid, what's wrong?" A voice asked and I peeked up from under my fringe to see a man with black hair that went past his shoulders, a grey scarf like object around his neck and black clothes on. Shaking my head I just pulled my knees futher into me and pressed my hands harder trying to block out every bit of light there was. I wanted to be back in my apartment, I wanted to curl up on the couch and listen to Present Mic. This was all a bad idea after all, I should have stuck to only leaving when it was dark.
"Look I can't help you if you don't talk to me. Where are your parents? Where do you go to school? Can you tell me what is wrong?" The man asked kneeling down in front of me. Whining I moved one of my hands and pointed up towards were I guessed the sun was.
"That is the sky, you are going to need to answer my questions or I will be forced to call the police" The man sighed.
"There you are Shouta, you were late meeting up with me so I figured something had happened. Hey, hey who is this little listener?" A different more familar voice asked and I looked up uncovering my eyes and squinting.
"I'm not sure I heard crying and found him" The man in front of me explained.
"Present....Mic" I whispered out as tears streamed down my face as pain shot threw my eyes making me whine again.
"Well little listener seems like you know who I am, can you tell me who you are? Or maybe what is wrong?" Present Mic asked kneeled down next to the other man.
"Sun...hurts" I said, my voice cracking, making the two of them wince a little.
"I see. Here we go little listener put these on and then you can introduce yourself" Present Mic smiled holding out an object towards me. Squinting my eyes and blinking rapidly I tried to figure out what exactly this object was. Looking from the object to President Mic I saw he was wearing an object that looked just like this one over his eyes. Taking them I slid them over my eyes and blinked. This object seemed to make everything around me darker, including the sun, it was like I was back in my apartment again which made me relieved.
"Now then can you tell us who you are? And why you are not in school?" The first man asked, Shota I believed that Present Mic had called him.
"Kaze I think" I anwsered trying to remember who use to call me that but I couldn't remember.
"Okay Kaze, can you tell us which school you attend and why you aren't there?" Present Mic asked.
"School?" I asked and they both nodded.
"What exactly is this school thing you are speaking about? Is it the object that you gave me to make everything darker?" I asked unconsciously tilting my head as I looked at them. I was surprised that they could understand me from now raspy my voice was as well as how much my voice was cracking.
"Okay, can you tell us where your parents are?" Shouta asked.
"Parents? I don't know what that is either" I said and both of them were giving me a funny look before looking me up and down and nodding to each other.
"Little listener, would you mind if we walked you back home?" Present Mic asked.
"Do you want to know about my apartment because of your radio show? Last show you mentioned something about house decoration" I said.
"Yeah exactly, I would very muchly like to see what your house is like so that I can mention it on next weeks show" Present Mic nodded.
"Okay, it isn't much and I don't know what decorate is but I really like listening to your show" I said as I untangled myself and getting up making sure that my pants wouldn't fall off, fixing up my shirt that had fallen off my shoulder and moved my fringe a little as well so that I could see them better, not that it really helped.
"Oh this is Aizawa Shouta by the way and he is a dear friend of mine" Present Mic gesturing to Shouta and I nodded.
"I am Kaze" I said before turning and walking towards the street again. Since my back was to them I didn't see the worried, confused and horrified looks exchanged towards each other nor did I see Aizawa take out his phone out and send a few text messages.

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