Chapter 28: All the way to the finals

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"So Midoriya was eliminated in the quarterfinals" Some in the crowd said.
"Well that's what he gets for provoking that guy" Another said.
"Do you think that was part of some plan? Otherwise why egg him on so much?" A woman asked.
"He was there to beat Todoroki but it almost seems like he was happy to lose"
"Either way they were both crazy strong"
"Sure but you can't be a good pro if you get injured every time you use your quirk"
"He attacked even though it would hurt him"
"Kids got spirit"
"Where was all that power during the cavalry battle I wonder?" Ignoring the talking from the crowds I got up and headed to the door.
"Hey, Zeze, good luck since we probably won't see you before your match starts" Nari smiled.
"We will make sure to take notes for you, it wont be as good as your notes obviously but it will be something" Shishi said and I nodded my thanks before heading towards Recovery Girl's room. At least that was the plan until I once again ran across Todoroki and Endeavour talking. I didn't want to interupt so I decided to hide myself and wait to continue.
"What's the matter? Not gonna to tell me to get lost?" Endevour smirked.
"You need to learn to control your left side, it's dangerous to release so much energy like that. But I'm glad you're finally seeing reason. Now that you've abandoned your childish rebellion we can get back to what's important" Endeavour said. I was unsure what he meant by rebellion but I did not see Todoroki as being classed until the label of childish for anything.
"After you graduate you'll work by my side. I'll lead you down the path of the mighty, Shoto" Endeavour declared his hand out so that Todoroki could take it.
"I haven't abandoned anything" Todoroki said, catching Endeavour off guard and Todoroki looked at his left hand.
"You're a fool if you believe that my feelings can be so easily reversed. Instead, out there, for that one moment, I forgot all about you" Todoroki said, making Endeavour's mouth drop open in a gasp.
"Whether that's a good or bad, whether its the right thing to do. I don't know, maybe I don't need you" Todoroki said as he walked away from Endeavour. I took that as my cue to hurry along to Recovery Girl's room.

"The bones in your right arm were shattered, I'm afraid it will never be the same as before. Thankfully it seems that the bone fragments are all still in place so that won't be a problem but I do need to straighten a few of them. I'll heal you afterwards" Recovery Girl told Midoriya and All Might.
"Ha, you lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he's done to make you proud, I don't like it one bit. You're going too far you hear? You and the boy. Don't praise him for what he's done today" Recovery Girl scowled. It seems I wasn't the only one who had come to see Midoriya as Uraraka, Iida, Tsu and Mineta burst into the room as I approached it.
"Scared the crap out of me" All Might coughed and I entered after them.
"Are you okay?" Uraraka asked.
"Ha, it's nice to meet you sir" Uraraka greeted All Might, he looked a lot different then normal so she probably didn't realise that he was the same person.
"Ah yeah" All Might bowed slightly.
"He's in no state for visitors" Recovery Girl said.
"Hey you guys, shouldn't you be watching the matches?" Midoriya enquired.
"The stage was far too damaged, there taking a quick break to repair it now" Iida explained.
"That match was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life Midoriya, what pro's gonna want a side kick who hurts himself?" Mineta asked with the scared emotion.
"Now you're just rubbing salt in his wounds, probably not a good time" Tsu said as she hit Mineta with her tongue.
"Hey I'm just speaking the truth" Mineta protested.
"You're much too noisy, I know you're worried but I've got to worry on surgury now" Recovery Girl said as she shooed the others to the door way but I dodged around it.
"Surgery?!" They exclaimed in worry.
"Go on, get out of here" Recovery Girl said.
"But" Uraraka protested.
"Surgerys a big deal isn't it?" Mineta asked.
"Will his wounds be healed?" Iida questioned.
"Don't worry just get out, leave me to it" Recovery Girl said.
"I mean you as well Kaze" Recovery Girl said as she looked at me.
"I require to speak to All Might and Midoriya, I shall be finished by the time that you have finished prepping" I said as I looked at the two of them.
"A-All Might? H-He isn't-" Midoriya started even as he was injuried.
"Do not try to be untruthful. His form may be different but his breathing pattern is the same as normal, no matter what happens I can always identify someone with their breathing so long as I have been near them before" I said cutting him off before he could get worked up and hurt himself more.
"I see, I had thought that you saw me in the USJ but it seems you knew even before then" All Might said.
"I did not have my glasses on at the time that I could have seen you in a different form but do not worry I shall not share this knowledge without permission. For now I have something else to talk about" I said my eyes narrowed and the two of them straightened up slightly.
"After watching that match I have come to the conclusion that you are lacking knowledge and intelligence to help Midoriya learn to control his quirk therefore I shall tell you this. You have the rest of today and tomorrow to come up with a proper training plan for him to follow and show it to me. If you do not I shall take over training Midoriya. I will not stand by and allow one of my classmates and one of the ones that I have given the title of friend continues to hurt himself when I can offer my assistance" I said.
"Um, you are only a student and I am not sure you would actually be able to help us out with this" All Might said.
"This was not a suggestion it is something that I will enact if I have to, much like my own quirk I can get hurt if I go overboard with it. Therefore I will be training Midoriya if you don't starting showing some knowledge and intelligence when it comes to training. I have already seen many problems with the way that you make the heroics classes but I have only spoken to Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic-sensei about it. Now I am talking to you, if you do not understand how to be a teacher then perhaps you should either ask the opinions and knowledge of your fellow teachers or leave it to someone who can get the job done. We have already had villains attack once, I am not going to allow them to attack again while we are unprepared" I said, the anger emotion welling within me.
"I give my thanks for allowing me to speak to them. Also Midoriya do not believe that I hold the anger emotion at you as that is untruthful and you won't be the only one training as I have plans for Todoroki to join you as well" I said before bowing the Recovery Girl and leaving.
"Well, it seems like that boy isn't going to put up with much anymore, though it shouldn't be surprising" Recovery Girl said.

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