Chapter 35: Attack in Hosu

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It only took us an hour and a half on the train to arrive at Hosu which meant that the sun was already being replaced by the moon and stars when we arrived.
"Okay, first I have to give notice to the hero agencies in Hosu that we have arrived and then we will start patrolling" Present Mic said and we nodded.
"And remember the training and tips that I gave you after the maze, we are going to be approached by civilians and fans so think of this as hands-on practice" He said as he took his phone out.
"What if we do not respond right for the situation in which we find ourselves in?" I questioned.
"Present Mic should be able to help us out, if not they will probably write it off as us still training so you don't have to worry" Todoroki said.
"I wasn't feeling the worried emotion, I was just gathering all the needed information" I replied.
"Right listeners, let's get this song on track," Present Mic said.
"Yes sir" We both said. With that we were patrolling the city of Hosu. Just like Present Mic warned us we were approached by fans for Present Mic and civillains for all of us after they had seen the sports festival therefore had seen us. They were happy to learn our hero names and even sometimes wished to take a picture with us. While we were walking Present Mic kept us busy by giving us situations that we had to come up with solutions for. We had a set time to answer him and were allowed to converse about it with each other but sometimes he would tell us that we had to work alone. There was knowledge in making us work by ourselves since we did not want to get into the habbit of always working together or even having back up because there are some situations in which we would have to work by ourselves.
"Didn't Iida take an internship here in Hosu?" Todoroki questioned, Present Mic was posing for a picture with a fan.
"That statement is tr....I mean yes that is correct" I said.
"You don't have to talk like that if you don't want to. It's fine how you normally talk" Todoroki said.
"I give my thanks. I do wonder if Iida's internship has been as informative as ours has been" I said.
"Yeah...To tell the truth I wasn't sure about how this internship would go but now even though this is only the second day I am glad to have come to Present Mic" Todoroki said.
"I am also gaining more knowledge then I had thought that I would get, I was unsure if it would be focused on fighting like most of our heroics classes have been" I said.
"Come on you two, lets get rolling" Present Mic called out, the fan had left giggling to her group of fans and we nodded following him.
"I just got a bit of bad news, well not really bad but it's something that I should tell you" Present Mic said and we looked up at him. His eyebrows were scrunched together and I knew if we were at home he would have the facial expression of a scowl.
"It seems that Endeavour has decided that to boost his fame has decided to come to Hosu to hunt Stain down" He announced. Beside me Todoroki stopped in place making me look at him. He seemed to be experiencing a lot of emotions but from what I could tell from how his body was reacting the emotions he was feeling the most were the worried and fear emotions.
"You do not have to worry Shoto, I won't allow you to be hurt or taken against your will" Present Mic reassured him.
"What Present Mic said is truthful, you do not have to have the worried emotion because we will not allow him to hurt you" I said.
"You do not need to have a wound to hurt" I continued when Todoroki opened his mouth making him close it.
"It's okay, he probably won't come near us since he will be busy trying to catch Stain," Todoroki said.
"Yeah but I thought I should tell you just in case you do run into him" Present Mic said. Just then a shop alarm sounded through the air and I had to stop myself from running towards it. I was not Nightmare at the moment therefore I could not put a stop to this crime.
"You two stay here and help keep the crowds calm and back and also call the police" Present Mic ordered and we nodded. Todoroki had his phone out calling the police as Present Mic ran towards the building with me following.
"Everyone please have the calm emotion, Present Mic has started to handle the situation that is inside this building. Please step back to the appropriate distance" I called out to the people on the sidewalk that were having the panic emotion as they scrambled to figure out what to do. I continued to talk to them, telling them not to have the worry emotion or panic emotion and to please step away from the front of the building in case something happened. Once Todoroki had gotten off the phone he walked over and started to help keep the crowds back since they had calmed down and were now interested in the fight that was taking place inside the building. It was only a few minutes later that more pro heros turned up along with the police. They congratulated us on a job well done before taking over, setting up barriers to keep the civilians back and some of them headed into the building to assist Present Mic.
"That did not seem like the right thing to do" I said as Todoroki and I stood at the side, in front of the barrier to keep an eye on the crowd and wait for Present Mic.
"Yeah, they didn't even try and find out the situation inside before they entered. If they walked into a hostage situation they would have just got everyone killed" Todoroki agreed.
"Roof, side doors, back doors or front doors? Which one do you think would be better to approach?" I asked.
"The roof, if there are vents for someone small if not the back or side if there are windows and if there isn't I guess watching from a distance at the front to figure out the situation" Todoroki said and I nodded.
"I guess in some situations they would be unable to have the time to put this knowledge to use but since Present Mic is already inside they should have been able to do these tasks. And even if they couldn't they could always converse with civilians on the footpath to ask them about what they witnessed," I said as I looked over the crowd. It was at this moment Present Mic came out of the store, the villain in a pair of handcuffs and scowling at the ground. After that it was a matter of minutes for Present Mic to hand the villain over to the police and reassure the crowd that everything was okay before he came over to us.
"Come on, we should continue our patrol" He said and we gave our agreement as we left the scene for the police to handle.

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