Chapter 18: Training continues

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Being caught up in researching, before I knew it the night soon come to an end and I once more found myself in class 1-A as we went through our lessons for the day. They were rather easy to follow since I had read most of the information that teachers were telling us about in books that I had already read but it was still good to recall the information that I had stored within my memories. So even when Hizashi sprung a review test on us I already had access to all of the information that was on it so that I quickly finished it and got permission to read while the others finished. After English class it was time for lunch and as soon as the bell rung and Hizashi dismissed us Kaminari was in front of my desk.
"Kaze, can I join you guys for lunch today?" Kaminari questioned.
"I do not have anything against you consuming your lunch with us and I do not think that Shishi will mind either" I said as I got up and grabbed my box and lunch.
"Hang on a moment, aren't we even going to talk about what Kaze is wearing?" Mineta questioned.
"Why do we need to? Whatever Kaze wants to wear is his decision man" Kirishima shrugged. I had decided to wear my new uniform with the skirt today.
"He is a wearing a skirt, that's for chicks. It's not like he has anything to show off by wearing that uniform so he should just wear the normal uniform" Mineta said while looking at me with I think it was the anger emotion.
"Oi!" Ashido said.
"Watch it you perverted little grape" Jiro glared; she defiantly had the anger emotion.
"Kaminari, I do not have an understanding, is there something wrong with what I am wearing?" I questioned looking at Kaminari. I already knew that there was nothing wrong from the conversation that I had with Hizashi and Aizawa but I was testing Kaminari. If he passed perhaps, I could grant him the title of friendship and swap nicknames with him.
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a skirt if that is what you want to wear, just like girls can wear pants if they want. Plus, it's not like you are the only one that likes dressing like that. I normally only wear skirts and dresses when I'm at home but that there is nothing wrong with dressing like that and come to school or going shopping" Kaminari smiled. While I was expecting his answer to contain the words about their nothing being wrong with me dressing this way, I did not have the knowledge that he also liked to wear skirts and dresses. This made me feel a bad emotion as I turned to Kaminari, my eyes wide behind my glasses but I didn't notice that.
"Hm? What's wrong?" Kaminari asked.
"I feel a bad emotion, I don't know what it is or what it means but I think I had been hurting you" I said.
"Okay, I don't think you have been hurting me but I'll ask why you think that" Kaminari said.
"Your gender pronouns, I did not think to ask you or anyone else other then Tokoyami about them so I am unsure if I have been misgendering you" I explained and he lite up with a smile and he nodded.
"Don't worry I still use he and him pronouns or they and them pronouns but mostly it's male pronouns" Kaminari reassured me and that bad feeling went away.
"I'm male pronouns as well" Kirishima smiled.
"I prefer neutral pronouns though no one has to force themselves" Aoyama said.
"Really? Sorry about misgendering you until now" Ashido apologized.
"Perhaps we should each announce our pronouns so that we can stop further discrimination against our fellow students" Iida suggested. With that everyone piped up with their pronouns which were all towards their gender other than Midoriya and Todoroki who answered that they had never really thought about it and Jiro who also was neutral pronouns.
"Okay, we should all probably go and get some lunch now" Sero said.
"One more thing, does anyone get offended when I call them bro or manly? I will stop if they don't like it" Kirishima said and I didn't know why I believed that he was feeling that bad emotion that I was feeling earlier.
"It's fine with me monsieur" Aoyama assured him.
"I'm fine with it after all it just seems like it's part of your personality so you don't mean it degrading which makes all the difference" Jiro shrugged. With that decided we all split up some people staying together to go to the lunch room and others to spend time together. Kaminari and I first stopped at the lunch room for Kaminari to get lunch before heading out to the tree that Shishi and I normally sat under.

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