Chapter 27: Midoriya Vs Todoroki

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As soon as the words left Present Mic's mouth Todoroki put his foot forward and sent ice towards Midoriya who wasted no time in countering by flicking and breaking one of his fingers. He had managed to destroy the large burst of ice that was coming towards him but I still believed that he needed to find a way to use his quirk without injuring himself. Perhaps after the sports festival I should offer him my assistance. The blast from Midoriya's finger flick was enough that after he broke apart the ice it hit the crowd with a large wind that had a cold temperature from the ice.
"It's so cold" Someone in the crowd said.
"Feels like this wind is going to freeze me solid" Another said. Todoroki had obviously had the knowledge that Midoriya was going to unleash that attack since he had ice behind him to stop himself from being pushed back by the wind.
'Hmm, just as I expected, he's prepared to injury himself to counter me' Todoroki thought as he looked at Midoriya who was gritting his teeth and holding his wrist of his left arm that now had a broken finger.
"Wow! Midoriya managed to break Todoroki's insane opening move" Present Mic announced.
'He had no idea of knowing how powerful young Todoroki's attack was going to be, so he abandoned restraint and fired off a hit at 100%' All Might thought.
'It's true this was likely the only thing that he could do against the ice burash, however' All Might continued to think. Todoroki wasted no time in sending the same attack towards Midoriya again and once again Midoriya broke a different finger to counter the attack.
"He counter again!" Present Mic yelled and the wind rushed past Todoroki again.
'I don't know much about Todoroki's fighting style, his attacks are so fast that it's hard to collect data on him. So during this fight I have to focus on finding an opening somewhere. The ice behind him is probably how he is going to stop from being blown out of bounds by my smashes which means, I was right to break my fingers. If I had spent my whole arm on a full power smash and the ice held up, I'd be doomed. I can figure this out, come on find a weak spot! I've only got six more chances' Midoriya thought and planned out at the same time.

"Hey Kaze, you seem pretty interested in this match," Uraraka noted.
"Of course he is, I mean Iida should be as well because depending on who wins that match they will be fighting one of those two next" Tokoyami pointed out.
"I am also collecting knowledge about their quirks as well so that I may offer them assistance once the sports festival is over so that they may continue to learn more knowledge" I said as I showed that I was already taking notes on both Todoroki and Midoriya.
"Wait, have you been taking notes on all of our matches? Like Midoriya was?" Yaoyarozu questioned.
"Great, now there are two of them," Bakugo scoffed.
"That statement is truthful," I said.
"Would I be able to look at it later?" Yaoyarozu requested.
"That is acceptable," I replied.
"Let's continue" Todoroki said and he unleashed another ice attack that was countered again by Midoriya breaking a finger. If Midoriya did not start to use better knowledge then he would soon run out of fingers to break.
'Five more chances' Midoriya thought.
"Oh crap! I'm missing it" Kirishima exclaimed as he went to the seat next to Bakugo.
"Hey nice job making it to the second round Kirishima" Nari said.
"Thanks man, looks like I take down Bakugo next" Kirishima smiled.
"I'll kill you" Bakugo threatened.
"Hehehe, yeah sure in your dreams. No but seriously, it's crazy how you and Todoroki both have moves that blast the whole stadium. Must be pretty nice" Kirishima said.
"Plus you don't have to pause between attacks" Sero huffed.
"It's not as easy as you think, you morons. If you overuse your muscles you risk tearing them apart, if you sprint too fast you run out of breathe" Bakugo said.
'We all have a limit to how much power we can produce. That's why I designed my costume the way I did so that I'd be able to fire off bigger blasts then my body usually allows me to' Bakugo thought.
"Quirks are physical abilities too, they can get worn out. You can't just use them non-stop" Bakugo said.
"It makes sense when you put it that way, I wonder how that's how Midoriya thinks he's gonna beat Todoroki?" Kirishima wondered.

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