Chapter 7: Lunch time talks

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I asked quite a few people while they were heading towards the place that they were given food but none of them had any idea where Shinso would be. Since no one headed for the food place knew where Shinso was I decided to go and look for myself. That was what led me to walking the hallways that were completely bare of people. When I heard a loud noise that was like an alarm I just frowned. Couldn't people be more considerate of other people? After all, some people use this time to study and they couldn't do that in this noise. Hearing rustling coming from a nearby room I shrugged and opened the door, maybe the person inside would know where I could find Shinso.
"I greet the person within this room" I called as I noticed the room was in the dark. The person that seemed to be going through the large metal box with different pieces of paper turned to me. He had light blue hair, red eyes and dried out skin but I didn't care after all it could have something to do with his quirk.
"I give my apology for interrupting your work but I was wondering if perhaps you knew where Shinso was? I can not seem to locate him" I said looking at the boy that looked a few years older than me.
"Are you stupid or something?" The boy demanded.
"Stupid, that is the word that means that someone has low or no knowledge. I give my sorry but I have knowledge, just not knowledge about where Shinso is" I explained. He growled before his hand started towards my face. I wasn't sure what he was going to do but something told me that it wouldn't be anything good so I allowed a barrier of air to appear between his hand and my face.
"Tch, at least the pest is dealt with," He sneered and I felt my lips pulling down into something I now knew was a frown.
"A pest? Was it a bug or some other creature?" I asked and he swung around and looked at me with his jaw dropped.
"Impossible I used my quirk on you, why aren't you dead?" He demanded.
"I give my sorry, once again but I would like to inform you that you are not meant to use your quirks on other people as it is against what people call law" I pointed out. Even I knew that you were not meant to use your quirks against other people.
"Tell me boy, what is your name?" He asked with narrowed eyes.
"You may call me Kaze" I said.
"I will not forget this Kaze" The boy said before the darkness seemed to wrap around him and he disappeared.
"I guess he didn't know where Shinso was" I sighed before I left the room and shut the door.

I continued walking for a little while more. Lunch break would soon be over and I still hadn't found Shinso. Something in my chest pulled because of this but I didn't know what to call it so for now I brushed it away and ignored it.
"Is that, Kaze?" A voice called and I turned. Standing there was Shinso and I remembered what I had heard from Mina. It was always good to greet someone with a smile, that was what happened when your lips pulled up at the sides.
"Shinso I have located you at last" I said and he just seemed to stare at me.
"I don't mean this in a bad way but please stop smiling, you're creeping me out a little bit" Shinso said and I let the smile fade away so my normal emotionless face came back.
"So you have been looking for me?" Shinso questioned.
"Yes, I got information from Aizawa-sensei that you were in a different class and I wanted to give you my sorry," I said and his eyebrows moved a bit.
"What are you sorry about?" He questioned.
"I want to give you my sorry because you did not get into the hero course. I believe that you would be a hero that would be able to save anyone from all sorts of situations" I explained. For some reason this made his eyes widen and he looked like he did not understand what I had just said. I wasn't sure why he would not understand what I had told him. The book that I was reading on communication said that I should say what I wanted to say clearly if I want someone to understand it.
"Sorry, I just didn't expect for someone to say that after all everyone always tells me that my quirk is more suited to be a villain than a hero" Shinso said after clearing his throat. When he said this I couldn't help but feel an emotion that I couldn't identify so I reached into my bag and pulled out my book on emotions and searched for the description that suited what I was feeling.
"Confusion, so this is what confusion is?" I questioned no one in particular. I would have to remember this feeling as confusion from now on.
"I give my sorry, I didn't know what I was feeling and had to refer to my book but I find myself feeling confused over what you have just said" I said and Shinso chuckled a little.
"It's fine, we have a little bit of lunch left so do you want to eat with me?" Shinso asked.
"I do not require substance at this moment but I would like to continue to speak with you" I said and he nodded before he led me to the roof top and we sat down. For the rest of the time before we had to return for our next class we sat there and talked to each other. Shinso even helped me out by making me feel different emotions and helping me locate which ones they were so now I knew what confusion, happiness, sadness and embarrassment felt like.
"Can I ask you something Kaze?" Shinso asked.
"I believe that you just asked a question but I do not mind if you ask me another" I said and he chuckled.
"Don't take this the wrong way but you are not like anyone I have ever met before and I was wondering why you were so different? Don't take it the wrong way or anything, I don't think it's a bad difference but I am just curious" Shinso explained. Curious, that is what someone felt when they wanted to find out something. It wasn't an emotion that I had yet to feel that I knew of since when I wanted to know something I always looked towards my books, Aizawa-san or Present Mic.
"I am unsure what you mean but I think I understand enough to answer. I believe that you think I am different because I am not yet used to human interaction. This is only the eleventh month that I have been out of my apartment" I answered.
"Wait, what do you mean this is only the eleventh month that you have been out of your apartment?" Shinso asked, looking alarmed.
"When I was four a man put me in my apartment and told me not to leave and so I didn't leave until eleven months ago. When I left Aizawa-sensei and Present Mic-sensei found me and brought me here. It was then that I found out I had a quirk after all I had been told by a man in a white coat that I didn't have a quirk. Recovery Girl has told me that I was a false negative" I replied.
"What about your parents?" He asked.
"I give my sorry but I am not sure what these things called parents are" I shook my head and he looked at me with an emotion written all over his face that I couldn't tell what it was but I could tell that it wasn't a bad emotion. I remembered Present Mic and Aizawa as well as the 'hug' that they had given me. They told me that it was something that you did to people you liked and could help people that were feeling bad so I reached forward and hugged Shinso just as the bell rang.
"I do not know which emotion that you are currently feeling but it is okay Shinso, I am here so you do not need to have those emotions anymore. You should have a smile and feel that happy emotion" I said and he clung onto the front of my uniform.
"We should probably get to classes" Shinso sighed as the bell rang again and he pulled back from my hug.
"Indeed we should, even if we are to leave now we will not be on schedule" I said as I got up and he got up as well.
"In that case, I will see you tomorrow for lunch. You're in class 1-A right?" Shinso questioned and I nodded. He then told me that for lunch tomorrow he would pick me up from my classroom. We then parted ways as we headed for our different classrooms.

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