34. Take care

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Seokjin woke up by the alarm clock blaring through the quiet atmosphere of their bedroom making him let out an annoyed groan as he turned a little towards the side table to turn it off.

He slumped back in the covers to hopefully get a few more minutes of his beauty sleep but it felt hot. So, he shrugged the covers aside and snuggled in his pillow again.

But he still felt hot, he noticed and that too, near his neck to be exact. Not like he was warm, no. But like something hot was pressed against his skin.

That made him open his eyes and focus down where a black mop of hair was nuzzled in the dip between his neck and shoulder. Frowning, he realized that the warmth he felt was coming from there.
He leaned back, getting a displeased whine in return as two hands tried to pull him back weakly.

"Wait, baby." He said placing a hand on Jungkook's forehead and cheeks and sighed. "Just as I thought."

"You've fever."
He lifted Jungkook's face away from where he was trying to hide it in the pillow, moving the fringe away from his warm forehead.

"Mm, head hurts." He whimpered.

"Told you not to dance in the rain last night but of course, you're a brat." Seokjin scolded.
His voice filled with worry instead of anger which Jungkook knew because he once again let out a whine with his head now trying to nestle in Seokjin's lap.

"Come on. Let's get your teeth brush so you can eat breakfast. I'll give you medicine after that."

"Don't wanna."

"I'm not asking." Seokjin said and got off the bed to pick up a pouty Jungkook, going straight towards to washroom and plopping him down on the counter.

He held his face with one hand, other busy with brushing his teeth murmuring how Jungkook is not even trying to cooperate.

It's a known fact that Jungkook likes to be spoiled by him. He likes it when he's his all attention. Seokjin doting on him, giving him praises for something he'd done, showering him with kisses if he's upset and many more.

And whenever he's sick or feeling under the weather, all this spoiling becomes double. And Jungkook loves it.
Sure, the runny rose and killer headaches aren't what anyone would like to experience but when it comes with your lover's care and affection, that too in a double amount, it sure is not that bad.

That's why he just sits there, letting Seokjin do all the work when the both know very well that Jungkook can at least brush his teeth himself.
Once done with him, Seokjin picked his tooth brush to give his own teeth some treatment as well while the sick baby sits there with his head on his shoulder and hands loosely wrapped around him.

With a final splash of water to both of their faces, Seokjin lifted him once again to go back to their bed.
After, settling him there, he pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead and cheeks. Telling him to wait as he hurried to make breakfast for them.


"No more." Jungkook said when Seokjin tried to feed him another spoon.

"Last one."

"You're saying this on every bite."

"This time promise. It's the last one." He signalled him to open his mouth which Jungkook thankfully did before going out to place the tray in kitchen, coming back with his medicine.

"Don't wanna eat it." Jungkook made a disgusted face looking at the pills.
God, who even invented medicine!

"You turn into a real baby when you're sick." Seokjin spoke.

"How will you get better if you don't eat medicine?"
His hands getting busy in rubbing his back and caressing his hair when Jungkook thought it'll be better to sit in his lap.

"With your love?" He blinked up at him with a sleepy smile and surprised him with a sudden kiss to his lips.

"Be a good boy and take it."

After a few seconds of Seokjin trying to glare at an again pouty Jungkook, he reluctantly nodded.

Seokjin fed him the pills before helping him lay down. "Stay here."

"Just a minute, love."
He murmured bringing a bowl of water and a small towel to bed.


"How can I pay you back, sir? For taking such good care of me?" Jungkook teased falling in and out of sleep while Seokjin kept placing the towel on his forehead, dipping it in the water from time to time.

"By taking care of me when I get sick."

"How do you know that it'll happen?" He asked turning his head aside to kiss him on his hand which was caressing his cheek.

"The number of times you've kissed me is enough proof for that."
That made Jungkook grin sheepishly but didn't stop him from doing it one more time.

A fond smile made it's way on Seokjin's face when after sometime he heard soft snoring. He bent down to kiss Jungkook's head and nose.


Turns out Jungkook really got the chance to pay him back when a couple of days later he woke up to find Seokjin with a red nose and burning body, giving him a 'told you' look.

He giggled getting off the bed to start the work of taking care of now his sick baby.



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