26. A little white lie to get free love

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"How was it?" Seokjin asked seeing him enter the car and exhale heavily.

Jungkook turned to look at him and kept looking as if he were thinking something and then ducked his face down to hide a smile, succeeding.


"They must be blind or deaf if they can't see your talent. Don't be upset. You still have many options." He spoke softly and held Jungkook's face to pepper kisses over it.
Jungkook reveled in the affection shown to him trying his hardest not to giggle.

It will be suspicious, right? He just got rejected in the interview and he should act like a sad person or Seokjin will assume there's something wrong.

"I'm so sad. I was so excited for this interview." He lamented.

"It's okay. There are many companies in which you can apply. Fuck this one." He pecked his nose, "Come on, let's forget it and have a good day, hmm?"

Jungkook nodded and Seokjin started the car.

They were going to have a lot of fun just as Seokjin said yesterday. Jungkook was nervous for this interview and he was not sure if he'll be selected or not so, his as always, caring lover and fiance cuddled him closer and assured him that he will surely be selected considering his capabilities.

"Still, what if I got rejected?" Jungkook asked.

"Then, they can go fuck themselves and we'll have a lot of fun without grieving over it. We'll have lunch at a very nice place, or we can go to an amusement park. I'll give my baby lots of kisses and hugs so he'll forget about that shitty interview and can get ready for the new one."
Seokjin's had replied.

Hmm, free kisses and hugs. Trip to amusement park, a date. Okay, the deal is good. Jungkook thought. He'll be a fool to let this chance go. Not that Seokjin don't take him out on dates and shows him a affection at every chance he gets, but still who can deny free spoiling.

"Okay. Promise?"


And now they were on their way to..to?
"Where are we going first?"

"Where do you want to go?" Seokjin asked him, without taking his eyes off the road.

"Amusement park." Jungkook replied, a bit too excited making Seokjin chuckle.

"Amusement park it is then." He said and removed one hand from the steering wheel to hold his.


"Let's go again."


"Please." Jungkook whined.

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