Author's Note

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Dear readers, I have been wanting to write this story for more than three years. When I joined Wattpad two years ago, I was distracted by other story ideas that kept popping up in my head. However, this particular story remained at the forefront of my thoughts, and I have finally decided to put it to paper.

I am thrilled to finally share this story with you all. 

I would also like to take a moment to encourage you to vote for my Wattpad story. It's important to note that votes are not just virtual pats on the back, but they also help stories gain visibility and recognition. The more votes a story receives, the higher it ranks in Wattpad's algorithm, making it more likely for other readers to stumble across it and give it a chance. As an amateur writer, seeing those vote counts go up is seriously motivating!

I kindly request that you vote on all the chapters. I repeat, Please Vote On All The Chapters. While I appreciate readers adding my books to their reading list, it's truly disheartening when there aren't any votes, comments, or someone voting on just a few random chapters. Writing an update takes a lot of time and energy for an amateur writer like me, and I deserve a little appreciation for it by your votes and comments.

Please show your love and support by voting and leaving comments. At least vote. 🥺

Thank you ❤

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