"Jealous of what exactly?" Lisa smiles, eyes still roaming his features. Kai maybe a great doctor but there's nothing exceptional about his looks, there is nothing about any of his features that resemble her own, and Jennie is pretty much obsessed with Lisa's. Where Lisa's jaw bone stands strong and prominent Kai's falls behind a layer of skin with a messy failed attempt at growing facial hair. Not that looks are everything of course, but even his personality needs work if he wants to attempt flirting with a girl that's engaged.

"We work closely together." He says eyes squinting like he's studying Lisa. Waiting.

"Isn't that required for your job?" Lisa questions her teasing smile still held firmly on them plump lips. "Hardly warrants jealously." Lisa smirks. She wants to tell him that Jennie's actual words were 'He's a dick but he's a good doctor' She smirks at the fact because this man is oblivious but she says nothing because she's not about to throw Jennie under the bus, after all she has to work with this shit head. "I don't like you not because I'm jealous, but because you have no respect for boundaries." Lisa states clearly. "But clearly that's just the person you are. We don't have secrets is it?" When Kai says nothing but continues to listen to Lisa she continues. "She's told me on various occasions you've asked her for drinks only for her to decline. She's also told me various inappropriate comments you've made. Luckily for you i know Jennie can handle herself." Lisa allows her mind to go down a dirty path with a shit eating grin. "Like you wouldn't believe." She grins. "Or I'd happily have you done for sexual harassment in a work place." Lisa smiles like someone's just cracked a joke. "Lisa Manoban." She introduces. "Jennie's Fiancée and permanent lawyer." She breathes eyes flickering over Kai shoulder to the old man still struggling to move. "If you would excuse me." She dismisses herself without waiting for a response because frankly she has more important things to do.

She doesn't deny the smile that coat's her lips.

"Would you like some help?" Lisa offers looking down at the weak frail man.

"If you wouldn't mind." He breathes out of breath as she reaches down for his hand feeling his weight immediately as he leans on her. She forgets all about Kai as she helps the elderly man down the corridor not much faster than when he was on his own.

"Wait here." Lisa says. "I wont be a minute." Before Lisa leaves his side she make's sure he's leaning against the wall just incase. Within minutes Lisa's back by his side with a wheelchair and helping the elderly man in. She get's goosebumps when he relaxes in the chair more out of breath than a person who's just ran a marathon.

"Thank you." He breathes head flopping in exhaustion.

"Where am i taking you?" Lisa smiles warmly continuing to push him in the direction he was heading.

"For a fag." He exhales like it's relief even taking about it.

Lisa actually laughs shaking her head as she looks down at him. His skin is yellow, his bones sharp and prominent and clearly he can't breathe as it is but the man wants a cigarette.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She questions already pushing him towards the nearest smoking point anyway.

"Oh please love, don't lecture me." He waves making Lisa laugh again.

Jennie has always said old people are the most stubborn.

"You're the boss." Lisa grins.

"What are you doing?" Jennie's voice captures Lisa's full attention.

"Apparently going for a smoke with..."

"Charles." The old man finishes deflating in his chair at the sight of Jennie. Lisa just shrugs at her girlfriend shaking her head, her smile betrays her.

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