Chapter 32

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"What?" Jennie demands looking over Bert's shoulder and in to the park. "What do you mean Peggy said no?"

Jennie really shouldn't be sending a child daggers from across the park yet here she was sending them anyway. They only got worse when Bert said nothing and shrugged sadly.

"She's a right little evil..."

Jisoo clearing her throat and nudging Jennie's side reminds her that Bert is seven.

"...nice girl." Jennie says with a fake smile plastered on her lips. "I'm sure there is a very good reason."

"Yeah." Bert mumbles kicking the stones beneath his feet. "Are we going?"

"You can play some more if you want? It's your choice."

"Ok." Bert says already turning back to go and play.

"Bless them." Jisoo coos as she watches Bert run back over to Peggy after being rejected.

"Bless him not her." Jennie says firmly her arms crossing in front of her as she inspects the girl she no longer trust around Bert. "Should have known from her name."

"How can you know that from her name." Jisoo laughs.

"She left him bloody hanging." Jennie snaps. "She's been all smiley to him for weeks then she says no?" Jennie scoffs.

"Like you said I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason."

"Yeah there is, she like's leaving people to dry!" Jennie says. "Again it was a give away from the beginning. I don't like her."

"She's literally seven."

"I literally don't care how old she is."

"Well i never PEGGED you as a protective mother." Jisoo teases with a nudge.

"Jisoo." Jennie says slowly turning to face her friend. "Shut up." Jisoo's laugh only irritates her further.


Slicing an apple. That's what Lisa was doing when Jennie and Bert wordlessly walked into her apartment. Bert collapsed on to the couch quicker than a corpse and Jennie well, Jennie was doing what Jennie always does when she's in a mood. Lisa had a few options to choose from in this situation and so she took the sensible one.

She ate her apple in utter silence while looking between Bert's don't even speak to me face and Jennie's hurry up and ask what the hell is wrong face.

She was her second slice in before Jennie started making more than obvious gestures in to making Lisa ask what was wrong, obviously Lisa relented a little longer because she had watched Jennie let go more than once. When Jennie finally stomped over to the fridge grabbed a water bottle and slammed it closed, Lisa broke out into a wide smile while looking at her girlfriend.

"Well hello Jennie, Bert." Lisa mocks. "So good to see you home, oh i'm great thank you, how are you?"

"I'm pissed of." Jennie dead pans shooting her girlfriend an annoyed look, Lisa could only smile even wider because well, obviously.

"Really? I must have missed that when small butt over there stormed in and dived on the couch while you slammed and banged things." Lisa smirks which only received a glare in return. "What happened?"

"Peggy. Peggy is what happened." Jennie says with passion. "She left him hanging!"

"Jennie, at some point you really have to stop taking the mick out their names." Lisa says seriously while throwing another piece of apple into her mouth.

"Lisa, im being serious this time!" Jennie huffed turning to look at Bert before facing her girlfriend once more. "Bert asked her to the school Halloween party next Friday and she said no." Jennie explains.

The Interview!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora