Chapter 17

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Normally when you've slept with someone the night before you tend to want to wake up smelling good and looking like you're some kind of model that should be heading for a photo shoot. Jennie never got the memo. Instead she's combing through her hair with her fingers, breathing in the palm of her hand because apparently brushing your teeth wasn't the first thing on her mind as she was rushing to work. She's certain of one thing and one thing only, her underwear are defiantly clean from the night before because Lisa threw them across the room.

"Rough night?" Seulgi smirks as the lift pings open to Jennies first floor.

"Something like that." Jennie smirks mind already wondering back to Lisa wrapping her hands around the wooden headboard. "How bad do i look?" Jennie questions biting on the inner of her lip as she tries to straighten up a little more.

"You look like a rag doll dragged through a thorn bush."

"Is that bad?"

"Terrible." Seulgi laughs patting Jennie's shoulder with good luck. "Rose's looking for you by the way. RIP."

"Just what i need." Jennie mutters shaking her head as she walks on pushing her cart to the first bunch of offices. An hour late is fine, unnoticeable to most, buy hey she's three hours late and works part time she's pretty sure the entire building would know she's not there with the looks she gets when handing important documents they've been waiting for. Lawyers can be right mood wank...


"Oh god." Jennie mutters closing her eyes before spinning on the spot with a beaming smile on her face. "There you are!" Jennie lies already holding Rose's letters out "I've been looking everywhere for you. Were you hiding from me?" Jennie teases with a naughty look in her eyes just to annoy Rose more.

"Don't give me that crap. You're late it's your second time in two weeks." She snaps taking the letters from Jennie before crossing her arms while Jennie barely blinks. "Well?"

"Well what?" Jennie says dumbly her eyes aimlessly looking around before landing back on Rose.

"Well what's your explanation?" Rose snaps the fire back in those black eyes. Jennie wonders if she has a soul, maybe that's why her eyes are black.

"Oh um." Jennie says dumbly. "Can i get back to you on that? I haven't had time to think of one yet. Ya know with the rushing about."

Jennie's sure the scoffing noise Rose makes is loud enough for everyone to hear on the entire floor, she doesn't turn to look though, instead she smiles as Rose throws her arms down shaking her head aggressively as she babbles on about something, probably a lecture about how it's unacceptable and how she should take her job seriously, who knows! Certainly not Jennie because she stopped listening the moment Rose tried killing her with her eyes.

"Yeah." Jennie says casually rolling her eyes. "I totally hear you." She doesn't.

"Will never happen again!" Probably will.

"Shoot." Jennie mocks looking at her non existent watch. "I have to go i'm running late as it is." Jennie says already pushing her cart away from Rose.

"I will be speaking to Lisa about this." Rose finally says her jaw flexing like Lisa's.

"Awesome." Jennie sings sending a thumps up before marching on. "Dick." she mutters.


It takes Jennie a solid hour to find Lisa it's brief but Jennie thinks of it the entire day. How she passed Lisa's office having no mail to deliver but as Jennie passed the glass windows Lisa had looked up over her glasses for no reason at all before looking back down to focus on her work, but in seconds she was looking back up having realised what she actually saw. Lisa's smirk was wide enough for the entire building to notice while eyeing Jennie from head to toe. Trust Lisa to get the memo and look like a fucking model ready for a photoshoot.

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