Chapter 7

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"I got the moves like Jagger." Jennie sang giving it a wiggle here and a wink there while feeling sexier than ever. Her hands run down her body as she took each step more unsteady than the last. "This girl is on fire!" she yelled after a few moments huge grin in place. "I'm thirsty." she pointed suddenly hands on hips as she points at everyone warningly. "Where's my drink?" she questions facing no one at all.

"Is she ok?" Lisa questioned leaning into Jisoo a little as she tilts her head at Jennie.

"Don't worry she looks like a clapping seal when she's drunk. Normal." Jisoo shrug. "Not even sure she's aware we're left the club."

"Interesting." Lisa smiled following slowly behind the group of friends unable to stop watching Jennie giggling to herself as she swayed to no music at all in a dark empty street.

"Boom boom boom I want you in my room!" Jennie sings even louder than a moment ago as she misses steps and nearly tumbles over, only as Lisa goes to support her weight Seulgi beats her to it.


Everyone quickly looks up to see a man's head hanging out a bedroom window half asleep.

"Well shut the hell up then! You're the one shouting!" Jennie shouts back rolling her eyes. "Fucking idiot. People like that are so rude." she mutters turning around to face her friends obliviously.

"Sorry, she's drunk!" Irene quickly shouts over shaking her head as she and Jisoo take Jennie from Seulgi throwing each of her arms around their necks.

"Dude. Shut up." Jisoo mutters.

"He shouted not me." Jennie pouts looking at her best friend like she just betrayed her in the deepest of ways.

"Yeah. We heard." Jisoo dismisses. "What's going on with you anyway?" Jisoo questions.

"What?" Jennie frowns. "Oh no is my skirt in my pants again?" She questions eyes wide as she releases her best friends and starts spinning around to try and look at the back of her skirt.

"You're wearing jeans." Irene deadpans stopping Jennie suddenly to face the correct way.

"I meant who are you hitting? Seulgi or Lisa? I'm confused?" Jisoo question. "If you're on Seulgi I'm so hitting on Lisa."

"NO. Jisoo. No." Jennie stumbles pausing for effect as she faces Jisoo with a pointed finger.


"So you're hitting Lisa?" Jisoo questions through a laugh at her drunken best friend.

"No." Jennie says slowly frowning at herself. "No Jisoo."

"What are you saying no to?"

"No Lisa Jisoo. No."

"Ok." Jisoo laughs shaking her head as she grips Jennie even tighter after falling again. "I Think you need your bed. So drunk."

"No I don't." Jennie quickly declares releasing her best friends to spin around. "I'm completely fine." She tries to convince with her eye twitching, her make up a wreck but the smile she wears is enough to convince herself so she takes it. "Seulgi!" Jennie grins eyes finally focusing on one person. "You're not ready to stop partying are you?" Jennie says smugly.

"We could go back to mine?" Seulgi offers a flirtatious look in place as she steps closer to kiss the side of Jennie's cheek.

"I'm down for that." Jennie nods with more enthusiasm than necessary. "I'm horny." she confesses her eyes flickering over to Lisa eyes because she knows they are watching her.

"Seulgi I think it's best you go home." Lisa says suddenly causing the whole group to face her as she steps towards Jennie her soft eyes and soft smile has Jennie mesmerized in seconds so much so she feels her body weight leaning closer towards Lisa, or it could just be the alcohol and her balance is just that dreadful.

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