Chapter 19

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The smile that graced Lisa's lips seemed permanent, not that she minded. She had only spent one night with Jennie, this being the second and already she knew Jennie was a groggy sleeper as she turned instantly around burying herself under mountains of pillows the moment Lisa showed signs of getting out of bed. How Jennie knew while unconscious was baffling and a little weird but Lisa smiled none the less stopping in her movements.

"Jennie." Lisa whispers annoyingly pulling the covers free from Jennie's bare back before tracing small lines and soft kisses. Jennie didn't move a muscle her heavy breathing was still the same and Lisa's smile was certainly growing as she shifted her body above her instead to trail move kisses up Jennie's strong spine. Lisa quickly realized the night before it was a weak spot as Jennie shuddered when Lisa kissed the base of Jennie's neck. "Miss Kim." Lisa smirked dipping her tongue out slowly to feel solid bone beneath.

"Don't call me that." Jennie mumbled from beneath her mountain stack making Lisa's smile grow to a new extreme. "Urgh. My head."

"Well you did survive a kidnapping last night, I'm not surprised it hurts." Lisa teases remembering poor Taylor's face.

For a moment it's silent and Lisa just knows Jennie's thinking about everything that happened last night to lead her here, it's a bonus Jennie's not jumped out of bed yet in regret the moment she realized Lisa was the one kissing her back.

"I'm so embarrassing." Jennie mumbled refusing to pull her face from the pillows.

"I think it's cute." Lisa confesses against milky skin while trailing kisses back up to the base of Jennie's neck. When Jennie exhales breathlessly feeling her body relax in the to mattress Lisa cant help but soothe her fingertips around Jennie's hip possessively. "Overdramatic but cute." Lisa teases earning her a shove.

"Lisa." Jennie says seriously finally rising from the mountains of pillows as she turns on her back to face her.

"Yeah." Lisa eyes soften even more if that was even possible while looking into sleepy Jennie.

"I'm sorry for just showing up last night." Jennie breathes her fingers entangling with Lisa's as she pulls her closer. "I shouldn't have done that."

"Do you regret it?" Lisa questions carefully searching Jennie eyes for any hint of a clue.


"Good." Lisa hums leaning closer to press her forehead against Jennie's. "If you chose not to come here you would have seen me at yours anyway. I didn't like how we left things and I wanted to apologize because i shouldn't have assumed and even if I did there was no excuse to react that way. We hadn't spoken about what it was we were doing so you have every right to do what you want."

"I'm sorry too." Jennie breathes her own smile forming across those lips Lisa can't get enough off.

"You have nothing to apologize for." Lisa says firmly her body shifting position till she's hovering over the blonde with her chestnut hair hanging around them. Lisa remained tight lipped for a moment debating if it was best to open up, to talk about what she had been thinking about since she knocked on Jennie Kim's door last night, she debated putting herself out there like Jennie had done for her many times and only continued after being knocked back. "I know that I've sent so many mixed signals over the last couple of weeks." Lisa says hesitantly while looking into the softest Jennie eyes she has ever seen. "But I just want you to know that I do like you Jennie."

It was easier than Lisa thought it was to admit it but she hadn't done anything like this for years, that she almost forgot what it's like to have something distract you other than work. It was exciting and nice and just so fresh but Lisa felt every bit of it from the moment Jennie first introduced herself from the way Jennie's looking at her now. The only indication Jennie gives to hearing any of it is cold fingertips cupping Lisa's cheek with a tilt of a smile to her lips.

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