Chapter 29

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"Really?" Lisa sighs in disappointment while leaning against the back of her couch. She's not used to coming home to a quiet empty home anymore, She's become used to coming home and seeing Jennie slouched on the couch while making a mess anyway she can, she's used to walking in every room and switching every light off that Jennie has left on, she's used to listening to the sound of Jennie crunching while she sits at her desk trying to focus. She's used to watching Jennie cry quietly to herself whenever she watches pet rescue. More importantly, she's used to a beaming smile and a kiss that lingers on her lips for days.

"Are you pouting?" Jennie laughs down the phone. "It's only one day." She says hesitantly. "I promised Irene, I can't cancel."

"It's fine." Lisa lies.

It's most definitely not fine.

"I'm going to miss you tonight." Jennie breathes and Lisa takes a moment to take it in, her fingers fiddling with the throw over that's resting on the couch.

"Me too." Lisa agrees a sigh leaving her lips without being able to stop it.

The silence on the phone lingers and Lisa finds it surprisingly comforting.

"Sod it, just come." Jennie blurts out after a moment.

"What?" Lisa frowns shaking her head despite Jennie not actually being able to see her. "No, Jennie it's fine, have fun with your friends."

"Lisa, it's a girls night in." Jennie explains. "You're a girl if I remember correctly." Jennie teases. "I want you there, it would be nice for you to get to know Jisoo and Irene better, they're practically my sisters."

"I already know Jisoo enough."

"Irene then." Jennie huffs. "Just pack a bag Lis."

"I can last a night without you." Lisa breathes pushing herself off the couch to walk into the kitchen.

It will be a boring shit night, but she could survive it.

"Well I don't want to, so I don't care what you can do." Jennie explains and Lisa's imagining her rolling her eyes while waving her hands around in exaggeration. The thought alone pulls a smile to her lips before rolling her own eyes. "Bag. Pack it. Now."

"I love it when you're bossy." Lisa flirts.

"Baby, I'm bossy all the time." Jennie quips. "And if you play your cards right, I'll boss you around a whole lot more."

"I don't know how to play cards." Lisa grins knowing her girlfriend hates it so much when she brings the flirting to a crash and burn.

"Well maybe I'll teach you." Jennie flirts.

Lisa literally has no idea why she's biting her lip or how Jennie can make being taught to play cards sexy, but yet Lisa's standing in her kitchen alone with a flush to her cheeks.

"Where do you want me?"

"Preferably against my bedroom door." Jennie says without a beat making Lisa laugh.

"That's not what I meant." Lisa laughs. "I mean what do I do once I've packed my bag?"

"Oh. Right. Yeah, just come straight over. The girls will be home soon."

"Dork." Lisa laughs yet she's already thinking about being pressed against Jennie's bedroom door while Jennie bosses her around.

"Please, you're totally wet right now." Jennie says confidently.

Well when she puts it like that, Lisa can't deny it.


A few silly games and a bunch of drinks Lisa wouldn't touch in a million years later, Lisa can't stop smiling.

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