Chapter 16

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"What is up with you?"

"Nothing." Jennie barked shoving all her dirty clothes in the laundry basket before diving back into her bedroom.

"You never clean your room." Jisoo smirks hot on Jennies trail.

"Yes, i do!" Jennie defends shoving all her study books in a pile on her desk instead of scattered all around the floor. "I've just been really busy lately." Jennie defends with a shrug while pulling at her quilt cover till it was neatly stretched out. "Why are you still here?"

"Was I suppose to be somewhere?" Jisoo questions amusingly while leaning on the doorframe.

"Literally anywhere but here. Now go." Jennie ordered.

"Sure let me just grab my tent I keep just in case I ever have to sleep with the homeless. No problem." Jisoo quips rolling her eyes while a smirk forms her lips. "Lisa doesn't happen to be coming around does she?" Jisoo teases.

"Actually, yes." Jennie says in a huff while looking satisfied with her room. "So I need you to leave." Jennie deadpans turning around to face the Korean.

"I'm not going anywhere." Jisoo says smugly arms crossed.

"Yes you are."

"No." Jisoo laughs. "I'm not. That's your own fault for not giving me more notice."

"Don't be an arse. She will be here any minute." Jennie huffs looking at the time.

"Oh, you got it bad for this girlm" Jisoo acknowledges with widened eyes.

"No, i don't."

"Please you didn't clean your room for Seulgi." Jisoo smirked. "Or ever actually."

"Get out!" Jennie huffed shoving Jisoo out her bedroom while slamming the door, only for it to open a second later. "Don't even think about answering the door." Jennie warns slamming the door again making Jisoo shake her head with laughter.

"Idiot." Jisoo mutters.


When Lisa finally knocks on Jennie's door she's an hour late and a little nervous, but that quickly disappears when the sound of bickering and banging sounds from behind the door.

"Move "

"Let me dsfd..."

"Fuck out the aaw!"




Just as Lisa was about to call out to make sure everything was ok the door is pulled open to reveal a breathless looking Jennie and Jisoo.

"Hi." Jennie says casually like nothing just happened while breathing a little heavier.

"Hi." Lisa grins her eyes flickering between the two girls.

"Bare toes!" Jisoo announces causing Jennie to shove her aggressively and push her back while Lisa's left confused.

"Ignore her, she's on her period." Jennie shrugs while Lisa's on the verge of laughing. "Come in!" Jennie blurts out suddenly realizing she's still standing outside the apartment.

"Yeah Lisa, come in." Jisoo tease. "She's cleaned her room like a good girl." Jisoo sniggers earning a death glare from Jennie.

"You wait." Jennie warns before closing her bedroom door with Lisa safely away from Jisoo.

"You cleaned your room." Lisa teases eyes aimlessly wondering around the room before she's turning to face Jennie. "Can't say that I've had a date in a bedroom since high school."

The Interview!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora