Chapter 3

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Turns out working in the mail room wasn't as bad as Jennie thought it would be. For two very good important reasons, one being it was possibly the easiest job in the world, she was practically being paid to say hi or morning a dozen times a day before placing a dozen envelops on desks. Secondly, she could have her mobile on her at all times and that's always a major in any job especially in this day and age.


"Good morning." Jennie beams handing over a handful of mail before continuing to walk to the next office whistling as she goes.

"Morning Jennie."

"Morning Johnny." With a quick wave and smile Jennie would just continue on her way wanting to get back to the mail room as quickly as possible. There were some floors she enjoyed and some she dreaded. Then there was floor fifty-five, that was the most confusing floor of all. They held all the important people Seulgi warned Jennie about and to her own surprise she listened and looked down when passing Mr. Carter, avoided Nia at all cost which meant Jennie would do a U-turn until she left her office, Rose well that was a lost cause so Instead of avoiding her, Jennie would just annoy her more with a beaming smile only to growl back when Rose growled at her in annoyance. Sometimes it genuinely made Jennie's day because she found it absolutely hilarious how much Rose disliked her. Then there was Lisa, there was something about her, something that captivates Jennie's attention every time she walks past her office. Lisa would always keep her door open unless she was in a meeting or out of the building completely, but when it comes to delivering her mail, Jennie notices she received the least.

"Morning." Jennie says softly as she walks past the office slightly disappointed she doesn't have to step into her office today.

"Good Morning Miss Kim." Lisa says softly looking up with a gentle smile. There's something different about her than every other person in this building, every time Jennie had walked past her office she had noticed something new every day. On the first day she noticed how everyone would be rushing around the office like the world was ending, it felt like being in the center of a police investigation, only when Jennie reached the end of the hall outside Lisa's office. Lisa was calm and quiet, she just seemed to do everything elegantly. On the second day she noticed Lisa walk around her office barefoot after taking them of under her desk. Only when the third day rolled around she saw an entirely different Lisa altogether she wasn't in her office she was in the conference room sitting opposite what Jennie guessed was another Lawyer. As much as Jennie known she shouldn't be staring in, she couldn't help it as Lisa's jaw flecked while repeatedly turning a pen between her fingers. Jennie couldn't hear what she was saying, but she guessed it was something strong and powerful as the other Lawyer turned to his client defeated, Lisa just smirked handing something over with the pen she had only seconds ago being playing with, like she was waiting for this very moment, but gave him just a few more seconds in the spotlight. Only Jennie failed to look away before Lisa turned around to leave and caught her gaze.

"Ah there you are!" Rose says with a bite dragging Jennie's attention away. "We don't have all day." she Huffs looking into the cart. "Do you have a big brown envelope for me?" she says impatiently.

"Just who I was looking for." Jennie lies with the annoying smirk Rose has grown to hate even more after the last week. "I believe this is yours." Jennie says handing over a small pile of letters wrapped in an elastic band.

"Next time don't drag your feet." She orders. "we have deadlines."

"Yes sir." Jennie stands straight pushing her feet together with a quick salute.

"What was it you did before this again?" Rose questions shaking her head.

"I was an exorcist," Jennie says seriously before widening her eyes. "Scary shit. You show symptoms."

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