Chapter 5

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Jennie felt rather smug for successfully avoiding Lisa for three days. Part of her was mortified at the woman overhearing her conversation, while the other half had thought more in depth about the whole thing. How Lisa smirked as she said it, how she timed it perfectly as the doors closed, leaving Jennie pink cheeked and mortified while grateful she wasn't still stuck in the lift because that would just be embarrassing. Her no filter wouldn't have helped the situation either and probably would have ended up saying 'have you seen your arse?' Which is ridiculous because of course, she has, which brings her back to the whole avoiding thing. Three days she edged closer to the office checking to see if she was in there before fully approaching, three days she had tried to avoid the floor all together while doing her rounds as quickly as possible. Three days she had tried preparing herself what to say if the inevitable was to happen.

Yet stupidly on a Thursday evening, Jennie had realized she left her leather jacket at work in the coffee room and gone to collect it. She expected the building to be empty yet she was surprised to see more than a few people staying late stressing over files and paperwork. The atmosphere felt different from the normal busy mornings, it was calm and quiet yet still hectic in its own way while fighting for their clients. Their earlier immaculate suits had come down to messy ties and forgotten blazers while their gelled hair looked like they've had their fingers run through it one too many times. Jennie's plan was to be in and out, grab her jacket and be off, and that could have been the case if Lisa didn't distract her as she was heading back towards the lift. It was a simple thing really, so small any other person would have missed it if you weren't looking but Jennie had stupidly looked down the hall to Lisa's office to see the door open at that exact moment. Lisa had walked out just as elegant as she was during the day, her heels long gone as she sipped on a coffee while fully focused on a file in hand. Jennie couldn't help but pause as she watched the brunette, her smirk grew as her gaze fell to her bare toes, and then Lisa was gone and her office door was closed once more.

It had been three days since she'd seen Lisa, and she was undoubtedly just as beautiful. It really wasn't her fault for showering her with compliments even if some wasn't suppose to be heard. Jennie snapped her head back towards the lift before hastily pressing the button, her mind suddenly feeling like the hand of a ticking clock as she reluctantly turns around and looks towards Lisa's office once more.

"Fuck it." Jennie mutters throwing her jacket over her arm as the lift pings open and Jennie turns around heading towards her bosses office. As Jennie gets closer she finally hears the soft melody coming from Lisa's office as the brunette nibbles on crisps while typing something on her computer. Jennie knocks twice before she's opening the door without permission, not that she needed it judging by the soft smile Lisa's wearing on her lips.

"Miss Kim." Lisa beams somewhat confused as she relaxes more in her chair. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Do you live here?" Jennie questions amusingly as she steps further into the office. "It's rather late."

"No sleep for the wicked." She chimes back tilting her computer screen down to remove distractions.

"I'd hardly call you wicked," Jennie says through a smile as she steps confidently over to Lisa's wooden shelf which holds a few pictures and books, her diploma hanging on the wall beside it.

"I know all about the things you call me Miss Kim," Lisa says smugly as she turns in her chair to watch Jennie on her travels. "Wicked isn't one." She says as Jennie looks over her shoulder to face the brunette before nervously biting on her lip, it's there for less than a few seconds before Jennie is turning back to look at Lisa's achievement tracing the smooth wooden frame with her finger before she's walking closer back to Lisa's desk.

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