Chapter 11

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When Jennie took a seat back in the conference room she chooses to sit as far back as possible. At the time she thought it was only right as she wasn't part of this world and didn't benefit from learning anything being said nore done if she was honest majority of the time she had no idea what they were talking about and why they were shouting out objections to the 'fake judge.' Yet for some bizarre reason, Jennie couldn't take her eyes of her boss who stood confidently at the front shouting objection left, right and center while shaking her head at her opposing threat. She was absolutely mesmerizing and all Jennie could do was stare while sinking further in her seat, she wasn't sure when she realized it, but even when the defense spoke Jennie's eyes never shifted from Lisa who sat at a completely different desk.

"She's got him." Jennie heard someone in front of her whisper catching her attention for mere seconds before looking over to Lisa again. That's when Lisa stood with a smirk on her lips stepping closer to the witness she was about to question before hammering him into the ground.

"Would you say you're an honest man Mr. Jones?" Lisa questions softly pressing the palms of her hands to the desk behind her. It looked unprofessional, Jennie was sure of it but her attitude was more evident to what she thought of the case.

"Irrelevant your honor!" The opposing Lawyer shouted.

"I am merely asking the witness if he classes himself an honest man." Lisa defends hands coming to clasp behind her back while her eyes flicker back to her witness harmlessly.

"Allowed." The judge declares giving Lisa a new stride to her step as she moves closer to the bench.

Jennie suddenly wished she sat at the front as she started leaning forward in her chair wanting to hear and see everything. She wanted to see the stride in Lisa's powerful steps, the tightness of her jaw and the smirk on her lips, she wanted to be as close as possible to hear Lisa's voice cut through her like she was the witness herself. With every question flying at him, the more the witness looked over to the opposing lawyer for help, the more Lisa pushed and the quicker she fired her questions until the witness was a stuttering mess sitting there wondering what the hell just happened. Jennie had never thought much about the innocent and the guilty and how things can occur in court to effect a single case, Lisa had assured her from the very beginning that this is a easy win for the defendant if they work it correctly, however Lisa was the prosecutor and clearly winning without trouble as the intern on the opposite bench flickered through his files desperately.

Jennie had never wanted someone guilty to get away with their actions before, but quite literally Lisa was thriving and doing all kinds of things to Jennie as she watched Lisa own the room. She was rooting for her in every way.

Their closing cases were beautiful, both very convincing enough to get you thinking about both sides, but Lisa's had more of an edge you could tell it was more thought out and laid out perfectly where the opposing team was more scattered, still good but just needed a little more organization.

"We will now give the jury time to come to their verdict." The judge declared standing up while dismissing everyone. The moment she tapped her spoon against the wooden desk everyone scattered out the room the same way they did two hours ago only this time Jennie followed them instead of waiting behind. "That was embarrassing."

"Did you see her smirk."

"Bet he wished he didn't volunteer now."

"She's hot."

Jennie couldn't stop herself from listening as she passed groups of people in the hall talking about the case that was just presented to them. She found herself smiling as she reached her abandoned cart and started pushing it to the very first office she should have done this morning. Truthfully she was glad to be out the room because she felt hot and heavy while being satisfied but oddly not quite enough. No matter how much she tried she kept picturing Lisa's jaw flexing before her small barely their smirk would grow.

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