Chapter 21

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Lisa Manoban had always been a woman of detail, a woman who was reliable and trust worthy, a woman who held her back straight and her head high, she had always been a woman who seemed harder than she really was. She stood at the hospital doors waiting for Jennie proving it with every second that passed. The week before she held a warm coffee in hand for Jennie she quickly started dating but today she holds a hot chocolate because Jennie had told her numerous times how it makes her all warm and cosy, her back is straight and her heads held high but she's wearing a warm smile that radiates even from her own lips as her eyes scan the group of people rounding the corner for black hair and cat eyes, not to mention her hair is a little dishelved due to the fact she rushed out the office quicker than usual to make it here for six o clock.

Jennie has her doing these silly things.

She stands there for what feels like forever scanning everyone briefly as they walk down the corridor Lisa can see down while the hot chocolate starts to cool in her hands. She doesn't know it but her smile falls each time Jennie's face isn't amongst the group of people heading her way. When she finally pulls out her phone from her pocket to check the time, she realizes her forever has been five minutes.

Jennie was messing with her brain.

"Check on her in..."

The familiar voice has her smiling even before her eyes can land on her.

"Say an hour?" Jennie says looking up to a younger doctor as she hands her charts over. "If everything is fine she may be released, she's very stubborn though and will moan your ear off but she will let you check her over." Jennie explains as the doctor beside her laughs.

"When aren't old people stubborn." Lisa hears him say making her smile grow wider.

"True." Jennie agrees. Lisa's eyes can't help but trail down Jennie's scrubs covered body with her hair tied back messily. She looks even more beautiful like this as she stands in her element looking at charts Lisa could never begin to understand. "But that's your problem now." Jennie says with a smirk.

"I get off in two hours." The doctor shrugs. "Got any plans for this evening?"

"I have a date with my bed." Jennie says more excitedly than Lisa thinks she's ever seen her, it has her grinning to herself while rolling her eyes.

"They're the best kind." He agrees. "We will have to go for a drink another time then." He says confidently.

Surprisingly Lisa's smile doesn't leave her face as her eyes flicker back to Jennie instead her brow raises with a grin on her face.

"Another time." Jennie says casually with a little smile there like it always is. "As work Colleagues." She adds with a pointed finger.

"Whatever you want." He laughs hand held up playfully.

"I don't date colleagues." Jennie decided to say which has Lisa on the urge of fully laughing. "Anyway, my feet hurt, I'm tired and it's Friday. I'm going!" she deadpans turning away before he can start any more conversations. Lisa's grinning like an idiot and it really doesn't help when cat eyes land on her in surprise. Maybe the bed comment wasn't the most excited she had seen Jennie after all.

"What are you doing here?" Jennie beams stepping the few steps closer to Lisa but Lisa's mind if fuzzy and she's not even sure what comment to make first.

"Dr. Kim." Lisa greets playfully the smile literally bouncing off her lips like a virus at this stage, Jennie seems to have caught it too. "Do I have to fend off everyone that looks at you?" Lisa teases her eyes flickering back up to the young doctor looking down at them too with a polite smile.

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