Chapter 13

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Seulgi : Want to come around? ;)

Jennie barely read the text message properly before she was pushing her phone back in her jacket and knocking the familiar looking door. She wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not but apart of her couldn't stop herself anyway because all she could think about was setting a date up officially with Lisa, which meant she was looking forward to work the next day, which was just crazy. Nobody should ever enjoy going to work, nor look forward to it for that matter because let's be honest the best part about working in an office is that the chairs swivels, and Jennie doesn't even have her own chair.

"Jennie." Lisa says surprised as she brings the door to a holt. "What are you doing here?" she questions with a furrow to her brow but Jennie's already smiling because Lisa looks so very different, her usual skirt and blouse is replaced by fitted grey joggers and a white vest which parts slightly at the waist revealing a thin line of bare skin. Bare skin that Jennie can't take her eyes off. "Jennie?" Lisa says after a moment of silence her arms coming to cross over her chest in amusement as she quickly relaxes at the entrance of her door.

"Sorry." Jennie says clearing her throat while trying to focus on Lisa's face. "You accepted my date." Jennie points out while holding a large bag of Chinese food in the air. "We didn't agree on a specific day or time and I didn't want to wait." Jennie says innocently with a shrug with her own signature smile. It really didn't matter how much she tried to keep her eyes focused on Lisa's face because it seemed her eyes had a mind of their own as they kept trailing down the length of Lisa's body to her toes and back again.

"Jennie." Lisa says once more. Of course she can see Jennie eyeing her like a teenage boy it's embarrassingly obvious but Jennie can't stop it any more than she's cursing herself for having no self control, besides its not her fault anymore, it's Lisa's Jennie tells herself, she's kissed her and touched her and oh god she's licked in her mouth deliciously.

"Sorry." Jennie says once again closing her eyes. "It's really not my fault." Jennie defends making Lisa's smile pull in to a smirk. "I didn't know what you would like so I bought a bit of everything." Jennie explains hoping her eyes will stop distracting her or Lisa's body. At this point she's not sure who's fault it is, Lisa's body or her tiny incapable to focus brain cells because yes, Jennie's eyes are staring again and her words have paused completely. It's the skin showing around Lisa's waist it looks teasingly good and perfectly tanned Jennie's already thinking about how good her stomach felt under her fingertips from only hours ago. Jennie swiftly turned around facing the hallway with a huff before deciding to even attempt speaking again. "This is a really bad start." Jennie whined her back to Lisa as she tries explaining further. "I can just go." Jennie offered clamping her eyes closed as she drops her head to the ground shaking her head.

"Jennie." Lisa says softly after the silence had Jennie ready to take her first step back towards the lift.


"Why is your back to me?" Lisa questions and even though Jennie can't see her she could hear the hilarity in her voice. She doesn't blame her even thinking about what this could look like to an onlooker was hilarious. Lisa talking to the back of Jennie's head while Jennie talks to her imaginary friend. Why hasn't Lisa slammed the door already?

"Because you look like that, and you're really distracting right now." Jennie whines. "And you're making it physically impossible to finish sentences. I'm sorry, I expected this to go so differently I just wanted to show up, eat some food and get to know you a little better." Jennie explains defeated.

It was so much cooler in her head.

"You couldn't wait?" Lisa questions taking Jennie's wrist in her hand to turn her around.

The Interview!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ