Chapter 6

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"Are you staring at my butt?" Jennie questions smirk in place as she turns to face her boss. Lisa's lips tilt up slightly to the point if you weren't looking, you wouldn't notice.

"Do you always think someone's staring at your butt?" Lisa smirks stepping closer to the kettle to make her own cup of coffee.

"Do you always ask a question over a question?" Jennie says turning once again to face Lisa fully. Jennie can't help but notice she actually has her heels on this time, which either means she just came out a meeting, she's expecting someone any minute, or leaving the building entirely. Is It bad Jennie hopes it isn't the later? She's got use to the exchange of smiles as they pass one another in the hallway, the smirks despite no words being said and more importantly Lisa's attempt at still playing hard to get.

"Do you think I do?"

"Well that depends, were you staring at my butt?" Jennie says smugly as green eyes come to connect with hers. The intensity in the room felt like it suddenly increased as Lisa's jaw twitches debaiting what her response should be. Jennie can't help but raise her brow in question a smirk already growing on pink lips.

"No." Lisa says. "That would be inappropriate." Lisa stops her lips from smiling as she take's a sip of her coffee but her eyes never look away from Jennie in front of her.

"Are you calling me inappropriate?" Jennie laughs having been caught red handed bragging about Lisa's butt to Jisoo.

"You're all kinds of inappropriate Miss Kim." Lisa says slowly while suddenly realizing the space between them seems to be getting less and less despite not moving an inch.

"Why thank you." Jennie grins holding her glass in the air as cheers before taking a swig herself. "To vision." She winks making Lisa laugh out loud. "Speaking of vision." Jennie adds moving around the kitchen until she's sitting down on a stool. "Thanks for the heads up with Seulgi." Jennie grins. "You were right."

"I'm always right." Lisa says smugly. "She stares at your behind daily." Lisa says with a furrow. "Hard not to notice."

"Well, I didn't." Jennie shrugs. "So how did you?" she teases.

"I'm a lawyer, it's my job to notice little things."

"And I'm nosey, it's my job to notice everything," Jennie says with a devilish smirk. "I had another distraction however." Jennie says eyeing Lisa bashfully hoping Lisa understands only when Lisa rolls her eyes she knows she does. "Yet you noticed Seulgi watching me. Hm."

"Hm?" Lisa frowns.

"Have you been watching me, Miss Manoban?" Jennie says more seductively with raised brows.

"You're not my type." Lisa repeats shaking her head full of amusement.

"So you keep saying." Jennie says disbelievingly loving the way Lisa's eyes fixate on her own with a sharp inhale.

Without warning Lisa abrubtly steps forward her arms coming to rest on either side of Jennie's chair as her face inches closer to Jennie's. So close Jennie can smell every scent from brown hair and tanned skin. Lisa's gaze drops to Jennie's lips teasingly before their staring back into Jennie eyes with a softness, a softness Jennie feels herself losing it too. All she can see is big delicate lips and round brown eyes, her jawline is a work of art.

"Miss Kim." Lisa hums drawing Jennie's eyes back down to Lisa's lips. "I'm fairly certain if I wanted you, I could have you." she confesses confidently but Jennie's still lost in a haze full of Lisa's godly features and warm breath. "Sorry to disappoint you." She smirks pulling away and back over to the kitchen counter to grab her coffee mug. It's enough time for Jennie to clear her throat and clear her mind, well kind of because Jennie's eyes are on Lisa's butt and long legs until green eyes are staring at her amusingly.

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