Chapter 2

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"You're never going to get a job!" Irene huffs handing Jennie a beer before sitting down herself.

"There's nothing else I can do." Jennie shrugs before taking a much needed gulp of beer.

"Try answering like a normal person!" Jisoo says whacking Jennie's feet off the coffee table.

"I am. It's the other idiots that need to work on their answers." Jennie says adamantly. "Nobody goes to work because it's fun. They do it for the money pure and simple, if you were a millionaire would you work? Hell no!"

"It's the other idiots that get the job." Jisoo smirks. "So who's the real idiot while their getting paid and you're living off with me and Irene?"

"still them." Jennie glares smacking Jisoo just because she's annoying.

"Right. Says the idiot." Jisoo teases.

"Shut up." Jennie says rolling her eyes before staring at the TV. She had been at this interview shit for weeks, and quite honestly it was getting boring. No matter what she said in the interview, none of them wanted to listen, if you didn't give them the yes sir answers they were looking for they didn't care for you and you were crossed of their hiring list quicker than you were put on it. "The woman interviewing me today though," Jennie says out of nowhere as she remembers brown eyes and black eyeliner. "She was something".

"Something?" Jisoo laughs.

"She was gorgeous." Jennie admitted with a smile. "I told her she had nice eyes."

"You didn't!" Irene gasped. "You hit on your employer or potential employer."

"I didn't hit on her!" Jennie quickly defends. "If I did she would have known about it. She was just really good looking, I can admire someone's looks, thank you."

"What did she say?" Jisoo questions.

"Nothing." Jennie shrugs. "She just looked at me, then Rose asked me another question."

"Dude you seriously have no game." Jisoo exclaims laughing loud enough to not hear Jennie's objections until she eventually flipped her off.

"Whatever." She huffs placing her feet back on the coffee table just to annoy Irene. "I'm fed up of not having any money. Maybe I should just start sucking up." Jennie says reluctantly.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you." Irene says sadly. She knows her friends' carefree attitude and is one of the few people that get it, but unfortunately, they need more income in their home to keep on going, so Jennie needs to get her arse in gear real quick.

"I could ask Bellamy's friend to give you a shot?" Irene suggested.

"No." Jennie whined with a pout. "I hate the grotto!" She says with a passion she really did, it was a run down pub that stank of strong alcohol and piss. Quite honestly it needed a good scrub to rid of the smell and Jennie wouldn't be seen dead in there, she would actually prefer to be homeless.


"Well, you have a week to find a job." Irene says. "Or we're screwed and could lose the place, we've already been late with rent three times, it's our last warning or we're out".

"I'll get one." Jennie says adamantly downing the remaining of her beer. "I'm going bed." She says waving her best friends off with one last look.

"Think she will get one?" Jisoo questions.

"That's like saying do you think your feet will ever stop smelling?"

"My feet don't smell." Jisoo defends looking down at her covered toes.

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