Chapter 27

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"You really should go." Lisa pants already pulling Jennie's lips back to her own while Jennie keeps her trapped between the desk and her body.

"That involves you letting me go." Jennie smirks biting Lisa's bottom lip soothingly.

"Sorry." The apology falls flat as Lisa finds it more of a struggle to let Jennie go. Jennie had been trying to leave the office for the past five minutes, but Lisa's hold had only tightened while pulling her right back under the trap that is Lisa's lips. Not that Jennie was complaining or anything, getting paid to kiss her boss was somewhat heaven and her ideal world. When Jennie eventually pulls her lips away not five minutes later, Lisa's eyes are darker and her breathing has rapidly increased since Jennie first entered the office, it's a beautiful sight in it self, so much that Jennie's words get lost in her mouth as she rest her forehead against her girlfriends a little breathless herself.

"This is harder than I thought it would be." Jennie breathes.

"What is it?" Lisa questions while her arms are already wrapping around Jennie to press every curve against each other.

"Pulling myself away from you after finding out you love me." Jennie says a lot shyer than intended. She blames it on pure happiness, because god is she lucky. She has the most beautiful woman locked away in a office holding her in the best possible way knowing that she's loved just as much as Jennie loves her. It feels surreal.

"Yeah." Lisa says softly her nose brushing against Jennie as her eyes shift back down to Jennie's lips longingly. It makes Jennie smirk because who would have thought she could hold this much power over her strong beautiful boss that had knocked her back more than once. Yet here they are four months after first meeting with Jennie trying to leave and Lisa holding her at lip point. "It will take some time getting use to." Lisa breathes. "But I'm out of the office all day again today."

Lisa almost pouts but Jennie's happy enough to do the full display for her as she deflates making Lisa smile amusingly.

"No offence but this job is boring as hell when you're not here." Jennie explains suddenly not trying to leave at all, infact she's snuggling closer to Lisa as if it will make her stay here until her shift is over.

Maybe it will work.

Jennie gives it all she's got in hope, her lips coming back to meet Lisa's in a much deeper kiss that leave's Lisa's legs weak and leaning more against the desk than intended.

"I know what you're doing." Lisa says quickly before her lips are back on Lisa's more hungrier than ever.

"Is it working?" Jennie smirks pulling at Lisa's hip harder.

"Little bit." Lisa confesses silencing Jennie once and for all as she turns them around until Jennie's trapped between Lisa's body and the desk instead.

It didn't work Lisa's gone ten minutes later with a smirk that Jennie wants to make disappear.



"Holy shit!" Jennie yelps her coffee flying over the edge of her mug and on to her top. "Seulgi!" Jennie snaps smacking her arm not so playfully while trying to wipe down her top, yeah like that will help.

"Shit." Seulgi continues to laugh. "Making you jump never gets boring."

"Its very boring. The boringest actually, now stop doing it." Jennie orders giving up on her top completely as she deflates for the second time that day. She's sure if she deflates anymore she's going to look like a freakishly weird blow up doll.

"You know your secret stalking abilities suck right?" Seulgi asks amusingly pointing towards Rose and Jisoo sitting in the office. "You might as well stand here with a sign saying I'm watching you."

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