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A/n: first few chapters are to setup the characters and their story line. So please don't judge by first few chapters. If you like romance, drama, plots then you gonna like it. 💜✌️

"can you stop doing that". The guy on the first bench, who was wearing spectacles, told the girl next to him, who was constantly hitting him on the shoulder.

"you are always studying. Can't you sit like this for a while? I'm getting a headache just looking at you, and the teacher isn't coming today either." She also got irritated and enraged and just glared at him.

After some period of arguing, the guy took his study stuff and began walking away.

"Y/n, can I sit here? Ji-ah bothering me." Because the seat next to me was empty, he grinned and asked me.

My best friend suppose to be sit next to me but he didn't show up. In fact, he hasn't come for two days and I have no idea where the hell he is.

"Of course, Chi-won," I replied, smiling back.

Chi-won and Ji-ah are close friends of mine who have been dating for two weeks. Chi-won is a bookworm, while Ji-ah is a happy and joyful person. I have no idea how these two are togather.

While he was keeping his study materials on the table, A loud, unpleasant voice from the corner of the classroom reached my ears.

"You stole someone else's boyfriend again." Ha-Yun ridiculed me, seeming to be surprised.

Ha-Yun is one of the most popular girls at college. Although she is beautiful, wealthy, and fashionable, she is very arrogant and self-centered person. She always makes fun of students from middle-class families who have come to this university on scholarship.

"Well, you haven't broken your tendency to steal other people's stuff." She said this while taunting me.

I stood up to respond to her after banging my hands against the table but suddenly the bell rang, and everyone began to go.

"Next time, honey," she laughed and walked away with her friends.

"I'm sorry, I sholdn't have come...." I cut him off and said, "It's not your fault;
even if you hadn't come, she would have said bad things to me."

After saying this, I grabbed my bag and walked away, and they both followed me.

Ha-Yun is awful with everyone, but she dislikes me the most since she believes her boyfriend broke up with her beacuse of me.

But he is just a friend of mine, perhaps now my best friend, and he broke up with her beacuse she is a nasty, arrogant person. Atleast, that's what I believe.

I was upset not because she insulted me; she always does. Something else is causing me to be upset.

"Jungkook, where are you? I swear I'm going to kill you the next time we meet," I texted him for the hundredth time.

He hasn't come to college in two days, and he hasn't responded to my messages or phone calls. I was angry earlier, but now I'm worried for him; I hope he's okay.

"Don't worry, he might be busy somewhere," as we waited for the bus, Ji-ah saw that I looked worried and told me while patting me on the shoulder.

"don't be upset, he'll surely show up tomorrow",Chi-won also consoled me as our bus arrived and we boarded it to return home.

We all three became extremely good friends because we lived on the same street and were admitted through scholarships and the majority of the pupils in college's students are from high society, and they barely even acknowledge us.

Jungkook also comes from a wealthy, high society family, but I'm not sure how he ended up becoming my best friend.
He's quite popular at college, and girls swoon over him.

When I intially met him, I assumed he would he would be like the other rich students, but he is not.

I recall our first meeting vividly. We were all in class when a new student entered. I'd never seen a more attractive young man than him before today. His thick black hair pushed up on his brow.
His doe eyes were incredibly endearing and he had a cute bunny smile.

I fell for him at first sight.

"Hello, I'm Jungkook", he said as he looked around for a seat. The girls began to make space for him.

Since I was certain he wouldn't approach to take a seat next to me, I remained still and began to look down.

Then I heard him say, "Can I sit here?" When I looked up, he was standing next to me and staring at me.

I was stunnud; I didn't say anything and just stared at him for a while and then He grinned and rephrased, "hello, may I?" Then I realised and responded, "uhh..yeah sure".

All the girls began to glare at me furiously. I could tell Ha-Yun was about to chew me up raw.

All of these thoughts crossed my head on the way home. I kept thinking about him beacuse I was missing him.

When I got home, I tossed my bag on one side of the sofa and myself on the other.
"How was your day", my mother asked as she sat down next to me.

"Stressful", I muttered, resting my head on my mother's shoulder.

There was just one thought running through my mind: " where are you, Jungkook?"

This is my first fiction.
English is not my first language so I apologise if there are any mistakes. I sincerely hope you enjoy the story.🤞💜🙃

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