51| Catch Up

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~You deserve the love you keep trying to give to everyone else~

Evangeline's PoV
I shuddered slightly as I looked back the huge mansion I've lived in since I was saved. Only thing is that at the time I thought I was being thrown from one hell to another. I had no idea I would've fallen in love.

My eyes fell over the small group of people in front of me. I didn't know these guys would mean a lot to me. I didn't know that they'd eventually be willing to risk their lives for me.

I smiled at them all sadly, my eyes falling over at an empty gap next to Nicholas. Tobias would've been there. He should've been here. But after what's happened, I don't blame him for not wanting to.

Since I told him I wanted to leave, he got me into a good place to study and he even found me an apartment. But since then, he's not spoken a word to me nor have I even seen him around the place.

I hugged each of the boys before stepping back and smiling brightly at them. "I'll miss you guys," I told them.

"We'll miss you too," Eros said with a chuckle as he reached out and ruffled my hair from the top.

"Want us to give him a message?," Theo asked me, knowing full well I did have one.

"Just tell him I'm sorry for everything." They nodded their heads. "Guys, promise me one thing?" They nodded their heads, urging me to continue. "Look after each other and take care of him for me." I bit my lip and blinked back tears.

Even though I haven't been with these guys for long they all have a special place in my heart, especially Tobias. I felt my heart ache as I waited for a moment.

Waited for what you might ask?

Deep down inside, I was hoping Tobias would running out the door and hug me goodbye. I slowly opened the car door before sliding in realising he won't be coming out.

I waved at the boys as the driver drove away and towards my new home. I cried quietly to myself as I felt my heart break piece by piece. I leaned my head back and instinctively touched the gold bracelet he had given me. My fingers traced over the engraving inside of it, my heart aching for having left him behind.

I battled with myself as I debated on whether turning back or not. I realised that I need to do this for myself anyways and when I've finished reinventing myself, I could find him. But then, maybe I won't find him. He'll still be in the mafia.

I want to rip my hair out. I let out a sigh and stared out the window.


"Welcome home," I mumbled to myself as I hauled my own bags to the apartment door. I dropped them to the ground as I grabbed the keys and opened the door. I paused as I looked around from the doorway.

It was pretty small. As soon as you enter the apartment, you see the small kitchen that only has enough space for one person. I dragged my stuff inside and left them by the door as I closed the door behind me. To the left, there was a small sitting room. And opposite that was a bedroom with a bathroom.

This is much smaller than my parents home.

I let out a sigh and walked further in the apartment. I'm deeply starting to regret it.

I walked over to the window and stared at the brick wall opposite me like it's a beautiful view. Even though I've barely even been here for five minutes, it's too quiet. I'm used to hearing the boys arguing and the cleaners and housekeepers walking around and making noise.

This was too eerie for me.

Even as a child, I've never completely been enveloped in silence because it meant something bad was going to happen. There was always screaming and crying.

By now, the sun had set and I had left the viewless window and had gotten ready for bed. At this point, the silence had gotten to me. I hate silence. I can't stand it.

Three loud knocks sounded on the door making me freeze in my tracks. I'm not expecting any visitors.

I slowly but cautiously walked towards the door and looked through the peephole. A girl was stood in front of the door, her back towards me. "Hey?," I said confused as I opened the door slightly, prepared to slam it if I needed to.

The girl turned making me stand in stunned silence. She gave me a small smile as she squeezed my arm. "I heard you were around here," she said, the smile still burning brightly on her face.

"C-Caterina?," I said, needing confirmation that it was actually her.

"That's me," she said softly as I opened the door wider, inviting her in. "It's a...nice place."

"Don't even lie," I sighed out. "As long as it gives me a roof over my head and a place to sleep then I don't really care."

"What are you even doing here?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you doing here?," she repeated. "You've got a home with Tobias. So I can't help but wonder why you're here all alone."

I tensed as she spoke. "How did you know I'm here?," I suddenly asked her, wanting to know. I folded my arms over my chest as I stared at her expectantly. She shrugged her shoulders. "Tobias," I answered myself with a sigh realising he told her. She didn't say a word.

"He didn't tell me exactly what happened between the two of you. He only told me that you were here."

"So you're going to tell me to go back?"

"No," she shrugged. "I'm just gonna make sure you survive out here."

"You make it sound so hard to do."

"That's because it is. It's hard for me so no doubt it'll be hard for you especially because-."

"Because it's my first time out in the world," I finished for her. She nodded her head.

"It's been a long time, Evangeline," she suddenly said as she came towards me, her arms outstretched. I hugged her back before pulling away.

"I've not heard anything about you since you ran away," I told her. She gave me a smile.

"That's the whole point. No one can find me here," she shrugged.

"I think we need to have a catch up."

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