18| Not Again

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~No one in the world can help me now~

Tobias' PoV
"I thought you said we weren't allowed to even look at her," Eros chuckled out dryly. I let out a sigh and looked up at him with tired eyes.

"Get out."

"Damn she really tired you out, didn't she?," he laughed almost as if he's trying to get a rise out of me.


"What the fuck did she do to you?," he sniggered out.


"All I can say is, go to sleep brother. You need it. I'll look after her," he promised me with a grin on his face making me slightly worried before he strolled out of my office. With an annoyed sigh, I followed him knowing his version of looking after someone is getting them in his bed.

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you!," I yelled out in frustration as he walked further in front of me before he flipped me off. "Leave her the fuck alone!," I exclaimed in annoyance.

I let out a groan as I followed him from afar. I trust my brothers but I trust Eros a little less. He's let me down in the past by 'damaging the goods'. That's what I've been told he does. For some reason, with all this time I've been spending with her, I've grown to sort of like her and I can't have my fucking brother ruin her. And I know for a fact he will.

"Evangeline!," I yelled as I followed Eros. "EVANGELINE!" Suddenly, I could hear footsteps come towards us. We both halted in our steps.

"Yeah?," Evangeline answered unsurely, walking towards us.

I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing why I even yelled for her in the first place. "Just wanted to check you're alive," I told her.

"Well I'm here. Alive and breathing."

"Evangeline, has anyone ever told you how pretty you look?," Eros suddenly asked her, gaining all of her attention.

"Eros," I snapped sharply.

"Aren't you supposed to be planning your wedding?," Eros spoke, waving me away.

"Y-You're getting married?," Evangeline asked me. I let out a sigh and slowly nodded my head.

"So she's finally agreed then?"

I nodded my head.

"Well congratulations," she told me with a small smile although I could tell she didn't really mean it.

"Thanks," I replied as we stood there awkwardly in the middle of the hallway. Eros managed to read the room and excused him realising he dug himself and me a big hole.

I don't know why I feel guilty for not telling Evangeline that I'm getting married. She glanced back and forth between me and the ground. I feel guilty.

I have no feelings for or towards Evangeline so why am I feeling guilty?

"That's what you were doing yesterday then, isn't it? When you left me with your brothers?"


"You were trying to force this marriage to go ahead." I stayed silent. "Why are you so hellbent on this marriage happening? You both clearly don't love each other."

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