28| Don't Die

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~It's not hell if you like the way it burns~

Tobias' PoV
I stared at her father, dead in the eyes, before I pressed in the trigger. I watched as he fell to the ground with a thump.

Suddenly, Aidan and Eros ran to a body on the floor. Stepping closer, pieces of her brown hair were sprawled out on the ground making me realise it was Evangeline. Pushing through the others, I got on my knees and grabbed her face. Her eyes half opened as she struggled to stay awake.

"Stay the fuck awake, Eva," I said to her firmly, shocking the others at the use of a nickname for her. "Stay the fuck awake."

Glancing down at her stomach, all I saw was blood. "Don't pull it out!," Elias rushed out, thinking I would've pulled it out. Without thinking, I gently lifted her up in my arms, cradling her to my chest almost as if she were a baby.

"Dude we got a problem," Elias spoke slowly.

"I don't have the fucking time," I spoke harshly wanting to get her in the car quickly. Without another word, I ran out the door and towards the car.

I can't take her to a fucking hospital. "He killed her mom!," Elias spoke loudly making me pause momentarily.

"Let me get her the help she needs and then I'll deal with that problem,"
I told him calmly before I started the car and drove out of there towards the base.

I drove to my base and ran towards the little infirmary we have here. "Doc!," I yelled out making him come running towards me. I slowly placed Evangeline down on the bed, knowing full well the movement must've caused the knife to move ever so slightly.

He poked and prodded her, looking at the area of her stab wound before he announced he'd be operating on her. Without another word, he pushed her bed out of the room and down the hall.

My body tense, I was unable to relax. Sick fucker. How the fuck can he kill his own wife and stab his own kid?

Knowing she'd be in the operating room for a couple of hours, I decided to go back.

My hands gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. If she dies, what the fuck am I gonna do?

After a short drive, I arrived back at the little cabin. I slowly entered knowing full well that none of my men left. I saw her mother and fathers lifeless bodies on the ground.

"We'll bury her mom but we'll burn that bastard," I spat out towards the end as I glared at his body.

"How's she doing?," Elias asked me, concerned for her.

"She's being operated on. She'll be in there for a couple of hours," I told him.

"She'll be alright. She'll make it," Nicholas stated.

A few hours later, we had moved her mothers body and put her in the car. There's no way we're leaving her out here. We'll take her and put her in the infirmary's morgue until Evangeline is awake. Then we'll bury her.

I stared at the oil trail around the house happily. A small sickening smile was playing on my lips as I lit the lighter before throwing it on the ground. I watched for a while as the whole cabin burst into flames while her fathers body was inside. Soon enough, the sky was engulfed in clouds of smoke.

Dumb fuck got what was coming to him.

Feeling much better, I turned and walked away from the fire. I calmly got into my car before I headed back to the infirmary. I sat waiting for hours. I couldn't leave.

It's no secret that there's something between me and her. Well, to everyone else it's a secret but between me and her, there's no secret. I got no idea what it is but there's something. Hell, we've fucking kissed more than once and both times were accidents.

Once is an accident but the second time is a choice.

Many hours later, she was finally out of surgery. I glanced at her from afar to see the knife that was once lodged in her stomach was no longer there.

"How is she?," I asked the doctor the minute I saw him.

"For now, she's stable. Right now, it's just a waiting game and she's in control."

I clenched my jaw and refrained from punching him for the lack of information. He's just doing his job.

"Thanks," I managed to get out. He nodded his head before he left. Slowly, I walked towards her room. The annoying beeping noise was constant. The smell of disinfectant was strong. Her skin was sickly pale as her eyes laid shut, healing her body through rest.

I sat in the uncomfortable chair next to her bed in silence for a few moments. "Wake up," I suddenly said awkwardly, shifting slightly in my seat. It was like I was talking to a newborn baby. It was that type of awkward. The only difference is the ages between the two.

Before I could say anything else, Nicholas and Eros walked in the room. "Shit, she looks...," Eros began but then slowly trialled off like he forgot his words.

"Don't die," Nicholas said as he slowly walked to the other side of her bed and gently squeezed her hand.

"What a morbid thing to say," Theodore suddenly voiced from somewhere. My eyes snapped towards the doorway to see him standing there. "She's literally on the verge of death."

"Wake the fuck up Evangeline. I need you awake so me talking to you will piss Tobias off," Eros spoke randomly with a slight chuckle.

I didn't say a word as thoughts were being thrown around in my mind. I didn't know a lot of things like if she was gonna wake up. But the one thing I knew was that the moment she wakes up I'm gonna tell her that I want her and only her.



Extremely sorry for the very very late update. I just needed a little down time to gather back a bunch of motivation for this story.

Once again, I'm super duper sorry!


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