Chapter 30 - A Captive's Thoughts✓

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Okizari closed the door behind him leaving me alone.

I lay there in the dark for what felt like hours but I couldn't be sure. Then I began to feel sleepy once more. I closed my eyes hoping to get a few winks, but instead, I heard the sound of a key turning in the lock. Before I could react the door swung open, flooding the room with bright light.

A fire army guard held food in his hand, placing it on the ground. He signaled me to collect the food with a simple grunt, before closing the door and locking it.

Everything was quiet once more. I couldn't hear anything besides my breathing. I could also smell the food that was left on the ground for me. My stomach growled loudly.

It was a simple portage with a native island fruit, it was not as good as the first meal I had here. Not hungry anymore. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

When I woke up again things were different, it was still dark out but it was warmer. Sounds were coming from outside the room. I could hear a steady stream of conversation. I could even tell it wasn't English speaking by the accent and the language sounded oddly familiar, like I had heard that same voice somewhere before. I tried to remember where I had heard it before but to no avail. Everything started spinning, my headache grew stronger, I felt lightheaded and nauseous, and I needed more water. Then everything stopped.

Okizari had entered.

"It looks like you still don't trust me, since your food hasn't been untouched for hours." He started coldly.

"How could I ever trust you," I spat.

His hair was short and messy; he also wore glasses which added to his appearance and gave him an air of authority, or perhaps arrogance.

What happened next made me feel sick. Okizari walked over to the table, picked up the knife, and held it out toward me. While pushing the food up to me.

"Here you are. Eat up."

"No, thanks," I declined. I didn't move closer, however. He continued with his instructions, "Eat or else you're going to get dizzy and faint, or worse, pass out." I didn't move any closer, not even a tiny bit. Okizari looked disappointed by this response, he put the knife back on the table and sat down. I remained standing in front of him. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Very well, I suppose I have to make the decision myself. Well, here goes nothing" He placed a hand firmly on top of the table and began focusing his eyes and breathing intensely. I could feel the air becoming denser. I couldn't take it anymore so I backed away until my back hit the wall and leaned against it trying to keep myself upright. The air became thicker, making it hard to breathe. I knew if I stayed any longer then I would either pass out or pass out from lack of oxygen. As soon as the air cleared my body fell to the floor gasping for air. Okizari had already turned around to look at the scene. Once he noticed me lying on the ground he walked over and kneeled beside me.

"Are you alright?" He asked mockingly.

"I'm fine, now leave me alone," I said sitting up trying to ignore the pain spreading through my head. This day kept getting better and better. 'Maybe I should have taken his offer and eaten his dinner' I thought bitterly. I didn't want to admit it though.

Not yet. It seemed too good to be true. I didn't dare believe it might happen, I just wanted one little shred of hope. 'But hope is only temporary...' my thoughts drifted off into another train of thoughts. Okizari had stood up and was walking out of the door.

"Wait a minute! You can't leave me out here. What about my friends? Do you know how much they mean to me?" I said running after him. His footsteps echoed inside the silent room. Even to myself. It would probably mean I couldn't go home. I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted to survive. But somehow that seemed so impossible. How did we get here? Where was home? What was my job here? How could I get home?'

He chuckled. "Your family will probably miss you, I bet they're worried sick."

"Yeah, well let them worry." I spat out sarcastically. He was just another person who was going to die today, I wouldn't miss him one little bit. I hated him. I didn't care if it meant I would live another week because I had made it. "I'd never met anyone like him before." I said aloud. "Who does he think he is?" I scoffed.

"You'll need to learn some manners someday you know..." He mused. His eyes were filled with malice. And there was something else... something that almost looked like sympathy. That can't be right... Could it?

As if reading my mind he spoke again "I know how you feel. It hurts, doesn't it?" He smiled. "Your friends right?" Okaizari said, switching his tone.


"You will not see them until we get to the capital," he said sternly.

The capital?! I thought. "Oh, yeah," I replied. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to distract me. To force me to relax. To make me think things weren't hopeless. But I wouldn't fall for it again. Not this time.

"If you don't eat then I'll leave without you and you won't see any of your friends again." Okizari continued with his threats. He turned around and headed out of the door.

I sat still listening to his footsteps fade slowly. After what seemed an eternity I reached across for my breakfast. I took a bite and immediately wished I hadn't. It tasted horrible, bland, mushy... disgusting.

'No! I have to eat! I have no choice!' I told myself. I forced myself to swallow another bite and try once more. A few seconds later everything began to taste more tolerable. I continued to consume the food until all the food had been consumed.

By now a couple of days had passed since I arrived here.

Now it was late afternoon, or rather nighttime. All I did was lie on the ground staring into space. Trying to figure out my next course of action.

It had become clear that no matter how I tried to escape, I could never do that.

That was when I decided it was better to stay here instead of continuing with my journey home. I'd survived this far and it was obvious that there wasn't anything else to be done.

I might as well practice until I get to the capital, I started with air.

I used a small gust of wind coming from a crack in the wall. It was weak and barely noticeable, but it had the desired effect. I tried to use more, but it was still weak and barely noticeable. Soon enough I was using only a few bursts, nothing to get a sense of the area or where I was.

After a while of doing this, I decided that it was best if I changed things up a bit. I decided to push myself to my limits with fire and ice techniques.

It didn't work. I attempted several other moves. Nothing worked. Okizari must've been able to create barriers, but the attacks never connected. No matter what I did or how powerful my attacks were. I got tired pretty quickly. I figured it was because of the constant strain on my energy. At least, the physical pain had finally disappeared.

I lay there on the floor exhausted, wondering about why they were keeping me alive. I stopped and thought for a moment. Where was Talila? I patted my chest, it was not there.

That thief.

It wasn't much of a problem since I could still use the elements. I believe we were still linked.


Guardian's Amulet: Tanwen's End✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat