Chapter 25 - Fight Practice✓

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The next day we checked out of the inn and were on our way to the capital. The roads were mostly clear, we stopped briefly to eat, drink and rest. I was sitting next to the river while trying to relax my mind. This is an excellent opportunity to try and improve my powers. The battle is only two weeks away.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the current and letting my body flow with it. Everything else vanished and all that remained was the wind blowing in my ears. Nothing existed but the rushing water of the river and the wind in my ears. 

When the wind blew strong enough to ruffle my hair, I took a deep breath and started moving my hands up slowly to lift the water. There was a feeling of weight on my hands in a back-and-forth motion as I moved the water. I opened my eyes to see my arm raised above my head. 

When I felt the water floating over my head. Slowly, I raised my hands higher; the water rose higher until finally, I lifted it completely up into the air. I turned around to find everyone watching me.

The others weren't far behind me. I dropped the water back into the stream.

"That was amazing!" Kaida cheered as she ran up to me.

"Thanks," I smiled.

Ryoko walked towards me and patted my shoulder. "That was great," he smiled.

"I was hoping that you guys would teach me how to master the other elements," I asked. A flood of agreements came in.

"But first I don't know how you were able to freeze and unfreeze me back at the inn. Because you were unable to even hold water." Ryoko questioned.

"It must have been your emotions," Tatsuya laughed.

"I might have been like that. I did have a cold feeling when I remembered my first night here," I answered.

"Well, then the result was freezing me. I think this time they were more than likely positive ones." Ryoko chuckled as his expression became serious again. I looked down at my feet, guilt pouring over me.

"Ayla," he called. "Your abilities are unique to you. You can control all the elements known to us. It must have been a good sign when you froze me," Ryoko chuckled.

"Alright, now you're gonna start training from the bottom. Don't get caught up thinking about what could happen, just let your body take control." Tatsuya ordered. Everyone agreed. Everyone went off to practice using their respective elements. I watched them, enjoying the view. I liked to watch everyone practice because of how much fun they had. They were always happy and energized to get started. I knew I would be happy to join them and learn everything I could.

"Ayla over here!" Kaida called, snapping me out of my thoughts. "How's your water flexing?"

I jumped and turned to face her. "Uhh..."

"Do you want help?" She offered.

"Yes, thank you," I nodded.

She began showing me the proper movements for the different ways to control water. She was surprisingly patient and gave me pointers. I wasn't quite sure how well I'd do but I wanted to give it my best shot. After a while, she stopped.

"All right, we have enough time. Now I'm going to show you something important," she stated.

"What is it?" I inquired curiously.

"We need to be able to defend ourselves if someone is attacking us. We need to know how to fight effectively without freezing up. So today, let's practice fighting with ice and water."

With that, she began teaching me the basics of water flexing combat. As we worked through the motions, Kaida made comments and helped me figure out some basic moves. After hours of practicing, I was still struggling with one basic technique I couldn't seem to master.

Guardian's Amulet: Tanwen's End✓Where stories live. Discover now