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Mira hummed as she took notes of the inventory. There's just something about this part of the job that's rather dangerous and yet very therapeutic at the same time. Dangerous because she might skip an item or miscalculate their stock, and therapeutic because the looking at all the colorful threads, pins, beads, and fabric just relaxed her artistically inclined heart.

She scribbled the last number after checking and rechecking everything before she kept the inventory logbook where it should be, giggling to herself in satisfaction of her work.Her hums turned into whistles as she walked downstairs to fetch Y/N for lunch. She reached the bottom of the steps only to have her small smile almost drop.

Speaking of therapeutic and yet dangerous... she groaned to herself.

He's here again, Mirabel noted.

And Mariposa is giggling behind her fan too much to notice me... Again...

Mirabel so badly wanted to hit the jerk upside the head but she couldn't find it in herself to do it. Not when he always manages to bring back the happy tug on Y/N's lips whenever he was around.

When he wasn't around though, Y/N would go back to being somber at best or numb at worst.

Posa has been having sleepless nights, Mira could tell. Her usually bright eyes were dull, lined with dark circles and redness, her voice was hoarse for speaking so seldomly in the days and crying in the nights, and as much as her proper self wanted to show, Y/N's posture only showed that her body was tired, exhausted by whatever was haunting her.

Mirabel tried to be a considerate and understanding friend. When she was sure that Y/N was just about five steps from collapsing, she had to force her to take a nap on their short breaks. Y/N would refuse almost as if she was begging. There were even times Mirabel wanted to cry as she watched the desperation and fear that would flash in Y/N's eyes when she said

"Por favor, Mirabel, hindi- ah este- I don't need to sleep. Really, we have so much work to catch up on!"

And Mira would have to force her care on her poor friend

"Oh, would you shut up. You keep taking your workload home, Posa, don't lie to me"

"Pero- (but)"

"I can see it in your eyes that there's something bothering you and you're probably using your workload as an excuse to not sleep at night"

How the hell she finishes her work at home while she's crying, Mirabel could never know. Maybe Posa is just that amazing even when she's sad.

"I'm not-"

"Posa...", Mirabel took her friend's hands in her own. Y/N waited for her words like an impatient puppy.

"You're trembling" , Mirabel sighed and Y/N looked away.

"I'm fine, Mira", Y/N weakly tried to pull her hands away, but Mirabel tightened her grip.

"I know you don't want to talk about whatever happened back in Las Filipinas, but I'm begging you, Y/N, please stop lying to me", Mirabel implored. Her friend's eyes glossed over and her lips formed a trembling curve.

"I know you're not fine, and I won't force you to tell me why", Y/N's nose was twitching now.

"But please let me comfort you. Allow yourself to be-"

Mirabel was cut off when Y/N placed her forehead on their knuckles and sobbed. Her shoulders shaking and her voice whimpering.

Mirabel then took the chance to get her to lay her head on her lap and let her cry there.

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now