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A/N: Play Slipping Through My Fingers by Abba or Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfreid, because why not. This is more of a Y/N and Butch chapter rather than Camilo x Y/N

As usual, translations are at the end of the chapter!

Disclaimer : I'm not following any culture's school system in this fanfic. I'm kind of setting  some sort of unique school system for Encanto itself, not the whole of Colombia. Also, I'm writing what I think is best for the plot.


A week later, after the celebrations died down, Back to School season was starting. Y/N's father was extra busy with his work at the same time enrolling Butch to start his primary schooling in the same school with Antonio. Y/N of course helped. When the initial list of school supplies was released, she took it upon herself to buy the things needed while her father was at work. Backpack, lunchbox, notebooks,  water jug, pencils and erasers, pencil case, pads of paper, the whole shebang. She's also made his school uniforms from Monday to Friday, white-shirt-and-trousers to P.E. uniform, she made sure Butch was ready for school.

Butch was ready, mentally, spiritually, physically, and it showed. He was excited to go to school because to him it would just be another playground with Antonio and his friends, only there's a stricter agenda and homework. It was Y/N who thought that she wasn't ready to send little Butchokoy to school. What if there are bullies? What if he'll find it hard to adjust? So many what if's that Y/N wasn't sure were reasonable at all and yet she can't shake them out of her head. She has literally watched over her little brother ever since he was born. She was ten when he was born and even though she didn't know how to change his diapers, she was always there by his side, whenever he laughed, he cried, he was angry, he shrieked, he had a tantrum (which was rare because Nanay and Tatay were so strict), because damn it, she was his big sister and she'd be damned if she ever became careless of him.

Y/N told Camilo this while she accompanied him as he did his own school supply shopping because the idiot left it to the last minute and needed help.

"Why do I have to accompany you here? Where's Señora Pepa?", Y/N asked.

"Really? You want mama in a place like this?", he replied as they walked around an aisle in the store. It was packed at all sides with frantic shoppers, trying to get whatever they needed.

Huh. Good point.

"Anyway, to be honest, I kind of feel the same about Tonito", Camilo said, going back to their previous conversation.

"I mean, for years I just go to school and come home to fuss over him or play with him and now he's gonna leave in the morning with me", he said.

"Yeah, everything will just feel new. Part of growing up, I suppose", Y/N said as she stood in line. Camilo stood beside her in the cramped store and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? Is  Mariposa having another moment of realizing change? Metamorphosis???", he said and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Oh, stop it Cameleon. It's one thing to call me an insect, and another to actually compare me to it. You're making me sound like I shed some sort of cocoon away"

"Well, you metaphorically are 'shrugging off the cocoon' of clinging to Butchokoy's babyness by watching him grow up and go to school", he said, giving air quotes when he said 'shrugging of the cocoon'.

"And Dante says I'm the philosophical one", Y/N rolled her eyes.

"You are the philosophical one, I am the poetic one. I'll give you a sample right now", Camilo said, crossing his arms smugly.

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