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It's been days since the night Tio Erning asked for that favor. Camilo thought it was safe for him to say that he could see that Tio Erning's mood slowly improved. Sure, he went home that night too drunk to notice that Y/N was sleeping beside Camilo, but he hasn't brought that up yet, so maybe he and Posa are safe?

The next days after that night, Tio Erning was quiet, still tired, but the exhaustion in his face lessened each day. Camilo wanted to ask Abuela about what their appointments were. He knew they still met up every other night even though Tio Erning wasn't asking him for more favors.

Tio's mood had certainly improved because he invited Abuela (even though she declined) to have lunch at their home. Naturally, Y/N also invited Camilo, Dante, and Mira, and Butchokoy invited Toñito.

After a very delicious lunch that consisted of white rice, kare-kare, and orange juice, courtesy of coccinera Y/N deLos Reyes herself, the people in the deLos Reyes household did their own things.

Tio Erning was in his room, probably checking the assignments he collected from his students, Y/N was embroidering roses and butterflies on some navy piece of clothing all the while gossiping with Mirabel who was knitting a bag, Camilo was tutoring Dante with their newest topic in Math because you can't cheat on my answers during tests, Lumina, and the elementary kids were working on their individual art assignments together.

Camilo listened in on the gossip from where he was sat at the dining table with Dante while the latter solved a problem from their textbook on his own. The girls were on the couch talking about a particular blonde girl with too much cheek tints and Camilo couldn't help but amuse himself with how pissed off Y/N sounded.

"I still don't understand why she's going on dates when she's so obsessed with Cameleon", she grumbled. Mirabel giggled.

"Why? Ya jelly?", She asked and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"No, I just really don't understand!"

"Hm! From what I hear she isn't just going on dates with the guys she goes out with", Mirabel shared.

"Whaddoyoumean?", Y/N frowned. Mirabel glanced at the elementary kids on the floor and sighed. She then leaned in to whisper her reply into Y/N's ear.

Y/N's face went from frowning in confusion to wide-eyed and slack-jawed in shock.

No me diga!", She gasped, pulling away to look Mira in the face.

"Mhm", Mira hummed, letting Y/N process the information.

"You mean she's no longer a...", Y/N didn't need to finish her sentence when Mirabel nodded.

"So she's not saving herself for her future... lifetime commitment?", Y/N censored her words for the kids' sake. Mirabel only shrugged.

"I mean, I'm not saving myself for-"

"You mean you already had-?!"

"No! Callate! Let me finish, stupid!"

"O-oh", Y/N immediately backed down, but there was a light blush dusting her cheeks. It was clear that she doesn't usually have these types of conversations, even with Mirabel.

"What I mean is when I find my one and only true love and future husband..."

"Mhm??", Y/N coaxed.

"And when- and only when I am really sure that he's the one..."


"Well, let's just say I won't be waiting 'til the ring is on my finger to...", Mirabel only raised her eyebrows to let Y/N put the pieces together.

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