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A/N: Warning, there's a lot of translations in this chapter, hehe sorry for that

There's a full Convo that needs translation. It's marked with 🇵🇭 at the start and at the end so that you can read it straight in the translation section of this chapter,
"Mira, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna say?", Camilo paced around his cousin's room, scrunching the hair above his nape.

"Milo, Calm down, you're just gonna apologize-"

"Calm down??? CALM DOWN?! MIRA I FEEL LIKE I'M WALKING INTO A LION'S DEN! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?!", Camilo's arms waved about as he yelled.

The magic tingled on his skin, threatening to turn him into a little boy.

Because he was just a boy, trying to have fun with his best friend. But now he felt like her father has sent him to get his death sentence.

He could just imagine Señor Ernesto standing on the doorway, holding a belt or a machete or one of Posa's wooden slippers. Or even worse, a combined weapon: Posa's bakya as the handle, the belt as a whip, and the machete at the other edge of the whip, allowing Señor Ernesto to slice Camilo in half in one strike.

Camilo shivered and collapsed his knees, his elbows on Mira's bed and his hands clasped together.

"Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo.
Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo-"

"Eh? Why do I hear praying?", Papi asked, peeking through the open door.

"Papi, I'm gonna be murdered!", Camilo whined and slammed his face onto the bed.

"Camilo, you are just going to apologize to Ernesto. And then from then on, you'll earn his trust back!"

"BUT HOW?!", Camilo slumped spread eagle on the floor. He yelped when his father pulled him up in one swing and settled him under his arm.

"Camilo, remember this", Papa started.


"You are my son", Papa said.

"I am your son", Camilo followed.

"I wooed the most terrifying woman in all of Encanto"

"You wooed the most terrifying woman in all of Encanto", Camilo followed after his dad again.

"I gained the town matriarch's love and trust"

"You gained the town matriarch's love and trust"

"And because you are my son"

"And because I am your son"

"With our beautiful genes and charm", Papa fluffed up his hair with a pompous pout making Mirabel giggle. Camilo didn't like where this was going, though.

"With our beautiful genes and charm?", Camilo repeated slowly.

"You can easily woo Mariposita and her Father!"

Camilo groaned and Mirabel giggled.

"Papi! I'm not going to woo them! I'm not Y/N's suitor!"

Mirabel only chortled, "Are you though?-Oof!", Camilo smacked her face with a pillow.

"Ahhh, Milo. You made Ernesto angry because he's protective of his little baby girl. You're apologizing to him, no? Your trying to bring him to your favor. And what do Suitors do their love's family? They try to bring them to his favor! See? it's the same difference!"

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now