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I really wanted to explore the Encanto lore in this chapter. We see the gift receiving ceremony in the movie but there was no mention of the town celebrating the miracle itself. I thought I'd make it up and I hope you enjoy it!  


Everybody's day was busy. Tables were being set up, plants were sprouting and blooming, and the wonderful smell of food wafted all over La Casa Madrigal. People were crisscrossing all around: food caterers, grillers, decorators, volunteers. Casita kept changing and rechanging her tile set-up until Abuela told her to stop. Candles were being lit, the doors glowed brighter, and everybody was doing something and another thing at the same time. 

Camilo was busy helping, shifting into someone or another, whether someone needed a tall person or a babysitter. By the time the sun shone brightest in the sky, he was exhausted and his skin felt like it was stretched in every direction. His bones ached and his muscles felt sore. He was now silently eating his lunch in the kitchen, letting his body rest for a few precious minutes. 

"Mijo, have you cleaned your room yet?", Abuela asked as she sat down in front of him, gulping down a glass of orange juice. 

"Not yet, Abuela", Camilo sighed, "Does it still need to be a nursery for tonight?", he asked. Abuela nodded. "For sure, there will be a kid who'll pass out during the night while the parents party hard",  he and Abuela chuckled.

"I'll prepare my room after this, Abuela", he said and continued eating and cleaned up after himself when he finished. 

"Don't slouch", Abuela said, not looking at him. Camilo followed and gave a playful salute, marching to the sink, making Abuela giggle.

"You always know how to make me laugh, Milo", she said, shaking her head. Camilo's heart swelled with pride at the compliment. After what happened last year, Camilo noticed Abuela start to give them more words of acknowledgment and appreciation and it really helped his teenage self-esteem. 

"Thank you for helping, mijo", Abuela said, giving him a side hug as she placed her empty glass in the sink for him to wash.

"I'll always help, Abuela", he said, a soft smile playing on his lips as he leaned into the hug. 

"Tonight must be perfect, especially because it is going to be the deLos Reyes' first Miracle Anniversary party", Abuela's tone changed subtly when she mentioned the deLos Reyes.

"Yeah, they'll love it, just like everyone does", Camilo said, wiping his hands on his ruana.

"Mhm. And what about the eldest deLos Reyes kid? Is she coming?"

"Yeah I invited her personally last week"

"Ah, so that's what you did at the chapel", Abuela asked, trapping him in the kitchen.

"Ayyyyyy, Abuela, I know where you're going with this. Y/N and I are just friends. I'm just trying to make her feel comfortable in Encanto", Camilo grumbled lowly, hoping to not sound rude or else he'd be whooped by a flying chancleta even if he tried to run away.

"Mhmm. Camilo, I know you're old enough to be experiencing things like this-"

"Abuelaaa", Camilo grumbled, blushing and terrified of the idea of dating, moreover, terrified of  Y/N. 

Abuela just let out a long sigh and cupped his face, looking at him all longingly and grandma-y. She had tears in her eyes and this sad smile on her lips. Camilo didn't like seeing this, especially directed at him. Abuela was getting mushy and now he'll get mushy and then they'll be mushy in the kitchen together, and it's going to be adorable and pathetic and- 

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz