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Camilo couldn't keep still. No, he couldn't move. No, he couldn't keep still.

He was worried, he was terrified, he was restless.

He shouldn't have kissed her.He shouldn't have kissed her. He shouldn't have kissed her, he thought as he paced along the mirrors.

He was in his room but not in the normal part. He was in the gigantic theater behind his normal room's full length mirror. The auditorium itself was full of mirrors. Tall, short, mirrors that could fit in your pocket and mirrors that wouldn't even fit through the door. There were framed, unframed, cracked, pristine mirrors. Shards on the floor from mirrors that fell, broke, and the ones Camilo broke himself.

It was ironic that he came here to calm down when usually this room brought out the worst in him.

Well, it was the only place in the house that Dolores wouldn't hear even if his screams would echo throughout the lonely theater.

The look on Dolores' face when she left the dining room sent all the wrong kinds of conclusions in his mind.

He remembered how terrified Y/N was earlier that day after she slapped him.

"And what if a rumor reaches him that we're a couple. What if he won't even ask for an explanation? What'll he do to me? Do to you? You saw how he is when he's angry at bullies but you haven't seen him angry at me, especially when I break a promise and I-"

He remembered her high, trembling voice as she raved out her mixed feelings.

What is Señor Ernesto like when he's mad at Y/N?

Camilo has seen his anger directed toward bullies before, and one time when his class just wouldn't behave, he walked out on them and gave them a billion unannounced quizzes the next week.

But what is he like when he's angry at his own daughter? Why was Y/N so terrified? Could Señor Erning ever hurt her? Could he actually get unreasonably violent with her?

He wanted to see Y/N.

He wanted to see her. See if she's alright. If she's battered, if she's bruised, if she needed healing.

His mind conjured up scenarios, each one worse than the last. Camilo tried to shake the thoughts away but a horribly graphic image of Y/N came to his mind.

She was bruised, bleeding, her clothes were torn, and she was crouched on the ground, kneeling on sharp shards, sobbing a she tried to shield herself from another blow.

"Aghh!!", Camilo felt his body strain as it tried to shift on it's own.

Get out of my head. Y/N's fine. Get out of my head, he chanted as he brought his wrists to his eyes to as if he could rub the image out from behind his eyelids.

But the image won't leave. Camilo fought the worry, panic, fear, and the magic that tried to make the horrid image in his mind come true.

Camilo dropped to the ground and hugged himself as he tried to stop his skin from morphing, from his bones from straining, his hair from changing.

His powers had moments where it would act up and now was not the time for it.

She's fine, she's fine, she's fine. That image isn't true, she's fine, he repeated in his mind.

But he heard her sobs and the image flashed in his mind again, only this time more vivid, more horrifying.

Camilo cried out as he clutched his bare shoulders.

His body ached as the magic forced him to change. But he fought back.

She's fine, she's fine, she's fine, she's fine

His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now