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I'm sorry that the first part of this chapter is cringe. I needed to get out of my writer's block and this was the only way.

May the force be with you ...

And with your spirit. Amen HAHAHA

Another day, another batch of classes. Camilo went through his day as usual sending smiles to his classmates, asking for updates on groupworks, you know, what a good and responsible student usually does on a normal school day.

Now, the good, and responsible, shapeshifting student was spending the rest of his lunchtime with his friends in the gymnasium's backstage.

"Vvwuungg vwwuungg, I can feel your anger, Master Skywalker", Oscar grumbled with his weird sound effects.

"Wwhhhhng whhhnngg", he swung the prop sword, "Use it!", He yelled before he tried to strike at Hector from above.

Hector blocked the hit with his own prop sword, buckling his knees and pretending to shake "Gkkhh!! No! Using my anger means using the dark side of the force! Shaaahh!!", he grunted as he pretended to push Oscar with an imaginary super power. Oscar obliged by pretending to stumble backwards.

"You're strong... Very strong!", Oscar pretended to heave for breathe.

Hector dipped his head in dramatic remorse, "I'm strong because I'm fighting for my father", he said lowly, climbing up a chair.

"And I know you killed him! NYAAAHHH!", he then jumped off the chair to slice Oscar from above but Oscar's height had the advantage to give an early block.

The two boys swished and banged their wooden swords together all the while making stupid sound effects with their mouths.


"Use your anger! Join me and we'll rule the galaxy together!"

"No! Ghh!! I'll never join you!"

Two snickering boys who have been preparing themselves to join the little act finally gained their composure.

"Da-h-arth V-vader! Khkhkh- pull yourself together! W-we will jo-h-oin you!", Camilo giggled as he tried to balance himself on Pepe's shoulders.

"It's 'I' stupid! We're one person with four hands! Woah", Pepe almost let go of his prop swords as his hands went to prevent Camilo's thighs from slipping off his shoulders.

"Woah- I- I mean, I will join you to conquer the Skywalker boy!", Camilo said as he brandished his swords.

"You are welcome to do so, General Grievous", Oscar did a dramatic bow.

"Not if I can help it!", Dante hopped in, pretending to ride atop the back of... A horse? A donkey?

"KOLOKOLOKOLOKOLO!", Joaquin made the sound under Dante, making everyone cackle.

"What are you supposed to be?!", Juan wheezed through his lunch.

"He's supposed to be a majestic steed! I don't know why the hell he turned into a turkey", Dante whined through his snorts.

"That wasn't a turkey! I made the battlecry of a unique, majestic creature, you close minded buffoon! NOW, ONWARD MASTER KENOBI! KOLOKOLOKOLOKOLO!"




His Mariposa (Camilo Madrigal x Filipina!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang